What's Happening

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Kiyoomi's world seems to have stopped when he saw his beloved slumped down with blood coming out from his side. His hands trembled as he tried to stop the bleeding. Sakusa Kiyoomi was terrified to lose Atsumu all over again. He can't lose him again! Not now! He just got him back! He looked up and saw the new King. He glared at the man.

"Osamu!" He growled but the new King only looked down at them, he had tears in his eyes but there was only anger in his eyes.

"You took everything from me." He sounded so broken.

The ravenette took a deep breath and looked at his Amata once again. He kissed him, letting his shadow blessing block Atsumu's wound. He gently carried the blonde, placing him somewhere safe before turning to the King, he took out his blade and pointed it at the gray haired male.

"You're going to pay for that."

"Not if I kill you first."

Kiyoomi charged first but Osamu froze the ground making the taller male slip and slide, barely dodging the King's blade to his neck. The ravenette clicked his tongue, he knew that he'll have a hard time without using his power for defense, everything he has is with Atsumu right now, he's fighting as a normal man now.

At the top of a cliff that oversees the whole new Haven was a temple that looked half destroyed, a man smirked as he watched everyone kill each other. Monsters, humans, no one was safe on the battlefield. The man turned to a tied up woman who was blind folded and gagged.

"I have waited for this day for so long." He grabbed the woman's face. "It all finally ends today." The woman, in her weak state head smashed her forehead onto the man's nose making him fall back and took that chance to run away but she couldn't get away, she couldn't run fast enough. The man caught up with her, grabbing her hair harshly and started dragging her back to the temple. He strapped and tied the woman to a stone table that rested in the middle of the rubbled temple. He started his chanting.

Osamu ran from Oikawa who was really wanting to kill him but after he left the brunette with Rintarou, his pursuer stopped coming after him. He can now focus on finding Kiyoomi and Kitsune. After a minute of running around, he heard the clashing of blades from a distance and started following that but when he finally found Kiyoomi he was already kissing the Kitsune, he clenched his chest. He felt his heart break for the thousandth time. Was it too much to ask for happiness? Was it so hard being with him? The gray haired male let the darkness consume him, he let it take over his mind, body, and heart. He just wanted the pain to stop and that darkness told him that it will only stop if he kills the cause of it. He stared at the blonde monster and just like that, his body moved on it's own, stabbing the Kitsune.

Kiyoomi fell to his knees, cursing at all the ice around him. He's considered as the strongest legendary but without using his powers and using most of his strength from his battle with Kitsune earlier, there's not much he could do now but he couldn't afford to lose, he needed to protect his Solis. He grit his teeth, stabbing his sword on the frozen ground for balance. He glared at Osamu who looked dead inside but ready for him.

'End it.' The darkness whispered. Osamu charged but Kiyoomi blocked it but it was a trap, the King froze the ravenette's feet making him unable to move. The taller male's eyes widened as his sword was flung away but it didn't stop there when the King's sword was coming at him at full speed.


"That's enough, Osamu..." The King snapped out of his daze when he saw the Kitsune in front of him, stopping his blade from killing Kiyoomi.

"At- -"

"Out of my way." He glared at the blonde, interrupting the ravenette. "I'll kill you after I kill him."

"No, you won't..." The blonde had a gentler tone. "No more killing... let's stop thi- -"

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" The King was irritated and frustrated, who did this monster think he was? Thinking he could stop him. "YOU KILLED MY FATHER! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A MONSTER! YOU- -" Osamu's eyes widened when the blonde hugged him.

"I am Atsumu Miya..." He whispered to the other who froze. Atsumu pulled away and smiled at Osamu, putting a hand on his cold cheek. "I am your twin brother." And on queue, Tendou released the blonde from his power. "Thank you, Tendou... ya can go and help the others." The demon nowed and smiled before diving into the shadows. The gray haired male now was just standing in front of a guy that seemed so familiar to him. The cold air was finally turning back to normal. Osamu reached out for Atsumu's face, his palm rested on the blonde's cheek while his fingers were under the white mask.

"Ca- - can I?" He asked and the blonde nodded happily. For once, Atsumu wasn't scared anymore. It was finally time that he properly introduced himself to everyone, that he needed to show everyone who he really was. And he was excited that the first one he'll show himself to was his twin brother, his other half.

For as long as Osamu could remember, he always felt like there was something missing in his life. He would always look to his side, expecting something to be there but all there was, was an empty space. He felt like there would never be anybody good enough to be by his side, that there is one specific person that should be there. And now, standing in front of him, his heart racing, he felt like he had finally found his missing piece.

"Samu..." Osamu felt a warm hand on his trembling hand. The gray haired male gulped and nodded. He slowly and shakily lifted the mask until he fell to the ground. "OSAMU!" Atsumu held his groaning brother in his arms and when he turned, Kiyoomi had fainted. "OMI!" But his eyes widened when darkness started crawling fast everywhere, Atsumu's face paled when he saw the sun being swallowed by darkness. "What is happening?" 

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