No Matter What You Did

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Weeks have passed but there was still no movement from Kiyoomi's father and as much as he wanted to keep a close eye on his father he was too distracted by a certain blonde aide wearing a fox mask. The more he closely observed Atsumu, the more he noticed the little adorable things he did. They way the blonde sneezes so cutely and wrinkles his nose after like an adorable little bunny. The way his ears turn bright red, giving away how flustered he is despite looking so calm. They way he smiles at the little things and enjoys them. The little Duke was addicted to the Prince's aide and it showed. He did not hesitate to call for Atsumu whenever he's around. He didn't mind getting close to him, Kiyoomi actually liked Atsumu's touch; it was warm, gentle, soft, and just full of care that he just couldn't get enough of.

For the past month, the Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom had been very busy with all his training as a new legendary giving a lot of time for the little Duke and Aide to get closer, a chance to get to know each other.

Atsumu did not expect that the son of a Duke could be so clingy and childish at times especially when they're alone. The blonde's expectation of the handsome, cold, and mysterious little Duke had been shattered when Kiyoomi started acting a bit spoiled and would tease him a lot. Today was no different, Atsumu sat by the garden while reading a book when a shadow loomed over him. He looked up to see Kiyoomi with furrowed brows. The blonde could already guess what had happened. He sighed, putting his book down and opening his arms out. The ravennette slowly slumped down on the Aide, burying his face on the crook of Atsumu's neck, no matter how many time he did this, Kiyoomi loved doing this, Atsumu smelled nice, his soft skin that pressed on the bridge of his nose, warmth flowed through his face that goes throughout his whole body, and would lastly melt his heart.

"Rough day, Omi?" The masked boy asked with such a soft voice. The little Duke wrapped his arms around the blonde and nuzzled deeper on his neck.

"Yeah..." Was all he could answer. He really did have a rough day to be honest. His father trained him till he collapsed on the disgusting and dirty ground all day yesterday then he got scolded for being rude to some nobles. He just felt annoyed and irritated until he saw Atsumu, just sitting peacefully in the garden. His body moved on its own when he finally realized he was standing in front of him. Atsumu noticed him, he put his book down and opened his arms for him, looking at this made Kiyoomi's whole body weak. All the stress and frustration that he had built up was finally leaving him. He let his body collapse on Atsumu, knowing he'll make everything better without actually needing to do anything. "Just let me stay like this, Atsu..."

"Rest, Omi..." The little Duke only hummed in response as the blonde started playing with his curly black locks that made him relax more and not too long and the little Duke started drifting off to sleep, dreaming of a certain blonde.

It was the start of Prince Osamu's training and Duke Sakusa sent his son over to the Inarizaki Kingdom but the King has ordered that no one is to interfere with the training. The little Duke with nothing to do just wandered around in the palace since everyone already knew who he was. He walked and walked without even thinking where he was going, he just really didn't want to go home, even if it meant tolerating the clingy crown Prince. Without even realizing it, the ravennette found himself standing in the garden that seemed to be a bit unfamiliar to him. He walked a bit more and tried to think, he had been in the palace garden so many times but the ground he walked on was new to him.

"Did I get lost?" He asked himself as he looked around when he finally reached, he assumed the center of the garden. A simple pond glistened under the ray of sunshine. A huge acacia tree rested near it, giving shade and tranquility to a masked boy under it. He giggled as he fiddled with a small piece of cloth in his hands. He looked like he was having fun. The way he smiled contented with the simple things he did. "Beautiful." The blonde boy flinched as he heard him. He shyly looked up and that's when the little Duke realized how close he had gotten to the boy.

"Ye- - yer Grace?" The blonde stuttered and Kiyoomi raised an eyebrow.

"Yer?" The little Duke repeated and Atsumu's eyes widened as he slapped his hands over his mouth. He quickly dropped what he was holding and knelt low in front of Kiyoomi.

"Forgive me your Grace..." He begged as he slammed his head on the ground and for some reason, the little Duke did not like that. Atsumu kept asking for forgiveness which made Kiyoomi sighed. He was already aware that he's compelled by the blonde. He knelt down in front of him and gently put a hand on the other's shoulder.

"I didn't mean it like that, Atsumu..." But the masked boy didn't move from his place. Kiyoomi didn't really care about other people, especially the servants but Atsumu was different. He was drawn to the blonde and he liked it. " Atsu..." The aide flichend at the sudden nickname. "Please look at me..." The blonde slowly lifted his head to look at the little Duke who was already smiling so gently at him. "May I sit next to you?" Atsumu didn't hesitate and nodded yes. They sat in silence for about 5 minutes when the ravennette noticed that the blonde was continuing what he was doing with a black piece of cloth. "Can you please tell me what you're doing?" Never in Kiyoomi's life has he ever been this respectful and sincere, he really didn't want to scare Atsumu, he wanted to get close with him. He saw how the other bit his lips, thinking whether they should tell him or not.

"I- - it's a mask... yo- - your Grace..." For the first time, Kiyoomi actually cared what someone thought of him and that was Atsumu. He wanted the masked boy to relax with him. He wanted Atsumu to feel the same familiarity he does with him but he didn't want to put pressure.

"Isn't it a little too small to cover the face?" But Atsumu shook his head no and started fidgeting with the small piece of cloth. He looked adorable in the little Duke's eyes. He chuckled at the thought that he was fascinated with everything the other does. Atsumu could skin a goat alive and Kiyoomi would still think he's adorable.

"I- -it's like a surgical mask that the do- -doctors use but more convenient..." He held up the piece of cloth that could only cover half the face. "I - - I made it for yo- - you, your Grace..." He was looking down with red ears. The little Duke was surprised and just stared for a minute before taking it. "Yo- - you put the loops on your ears..." Kiyoomi did as the blonde instructed. " I- - I use a special cloth that can filter di- -dirty air..." Kiyoomi's eyes widened, he couldn't smell the unpleasant surroundings, he was amaze. "Yo- -you can wash it over and over a- - again as much as yo- - you want so yo- - you can use it over and over aga- -"

Atsumu was cut off with the sudden embrace by Kiyoomi. He felt like the world stopped for them at that moment. His breath hitched as his heart won't stop beating so fast. He could feel his face heat up.

Was he dying?

Was all he could think of. This was new to him. He never expected anyone to be this affectionate to him, especially a noble son.

"Thank you." Kiyoomi pulled away, putting a hand on Atsumu's cheek. He pulled the mask down to his chin. "I love it." He smiled at the blonde that made him flustered more.

"Ye- -Yer welcome, O- - Omi!" They both froze but before Atsumu could kneel and begged for forgiveness, Kiyoomi took his hands.

"I love your accent, please talk more freely with me..." He gave him pleading eyes that Atsumu couldn't resist and just nodded while looking down.

"Ye- - yes yer Grace..." He felt embarrassed as he kept his head down but he felt fingers by his chin that made him look up.

"Atsu..." The blonde gulped. "I am not his Grace..." Atsumu felt weak and submissive in front of the little Duke. He bit his lips.

"O- -Omi..."

Kiyoomi felt satisfied. His stomach had butterflies that made him giddy inside but he didn't show it. He just smirked and leaned closer to Atsumu, his nose touching the blonde's mask's nose. "Good." 

MiyaTwins//: Fox PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now