Dance With Me

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Kiyoomi stood in front of Atsumu, crying, feeling helpless and devastated. He had his head down feeling pathetic at how he was feeling. The past 17 years of his life, Kiyoomi's Father had taught him to be tough and brave, he taught him to be a man at a young age and Kiyoomi learned all of that and more, he learned to be cold, to not get attached, to seek more power but he was never taught how to deal with his feelings. Now, he doesn't have a clue on what to do in his situation, for the first time, he doesn't know how to handle himself, he could only cry until his knees fell down.

"Omi..." Amidst the darkness that Kiyoomi was drowning in, he felt someone pull him out. He looked up to see Atsumu embracing him. "I'm here, Omi..." The ravenette felt light, his heart finally calming down but the tears didn't stop.

"Choose me, please..." The ravenette hugged the blonde, gripping his clothes not wanting him to escape. They stayed in each other's arms for about 20 minutes but it felt longer. They were in their own world. Atsumu was Kiyoomi's sanctuary from the cruel world and harsh reality that he was forced to live in. The ravenette finally calmed down, he pulled away from the blonde and cupped his face. "Dance with me..." Atsumu puts his hand over the Kiyoomi's.

"Omi... I wasn't goin' ta dance with Rin earlier..." He put their hands down from his face but didn't let go. "I was goin' ta push his hand back ta him..." Then he giggled a little. "Omi... I can't dance... I don't know how ta..." But Kiyoomi stared at him for a second before standing up. He held out his hand for the blonde. "O- - Omi..."

"I'm not asking you to be my partner... I'm just asking you to be my first dance because I want to be yours." He could see the shorter male thinking hard. "Will you be my first?" The blonde bit his lips, hesitating to take the other's hand but it was too late when Kiyoomi reached for his hand and pulled him up, closer to him.

"Omi... I told ya I don't know how ta dance..." Atsumu felt embarrassed as his ears turned red.

"Don't worry, I got you... just follow my lead." The blonde nodded as he let the ravenette take control, as he let Kiyoomi take him.

Under the beautiful night sky where the moon shines above them. Kiyoomi gently and ever so slowly swayed their bodies, letting Atsumu relax until he finally let his body go with the flow. The blonde let the ravenette carry and drag his whole body while his feet swiftly avoided being stepped on and stepping on the latter's. They danced the night away like they've danced to a thousand songs before, they danced like they were meant to be in that moment.

"Do you hear that Atsu?" He slowly spun the smaller male and pulled him closer.

"What is it, Omi?"

"The song from the palace..." The blonde focused on the music, making the taller male chuckle. "I really love this song." He smiled as he closed his eyes.

"Really, Omi?" He giggled. Atsumu snakes his arms around Kiyoomi's neck as he feels arms around his waist.

"Yeah..." He pulled on the blonde again making their bodies pressed together. They stared at each other. "It reminds me of you." He rested his forehead on the latter's and closed his eyes.

"I'll always love you

And make you happy"

Kiyoomi started singing.

"And nothing else could come between

But if you leave me to allow another

You'll have shattered all of my dreams..."

His black obsidian eyes looked so sad, so desperate to keep the only light of his life.

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy..."

Atsumu is all that he saw. Atsumu is all that matters to him. Atsumu is his world.

"When skies are gray

You'll never know, dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away..."

Kiyoomi slowly opened his eyes to see Atsumu staring at him. Under the beautiful light of the moon, Kiyoomi saw a pair of mesmerizing golden brown eyes. He felt his heart going crazy as he felt bewitched at the gaze, they were soft, gentle, and glossy. He slowly put a hand on the blonde's soft cheek, the ravenette felt electricity go through his fingers and into his stomach. He saw Atsumu close his eyes and he followed.

Slowly leaning down until he felt something soft on his lips. It tasted so delicious but it only made him more hungry. Kiyoomi pulled Atsumu closer even though it was impossible.

At the end of the night, they just danced with their lips.

MiyaTwins//: Fox PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now