When The Moon Falls, The Sun Rises

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King Osamu Miya did his best to stand his ground as he protected his brother who looked like had reached his limit. Atsumu was on the ground, panting hard as he clutched his stab wound from earlier. They have been fighting with the entity for God's know how long and the only thing they did was pissed it off.

"Brother..." But the gray haired male didn't glance back at his brother. "I know you're in a lot of pain right now." He bit his lips. "And we can't keep fighting forever." He took a deep breath. "Tsumu... I trust ya." He smiled at his brother who couldn't say anything but stare at him. "I know ya can save everyone." His eyes widened as Osamu charged at the entity again.

"Osamu!" He tried to stop his brother but searing pain shot throughout his whole body. Atsumu laid on the ground, trying to reach out for his brother but all he could do was watch. Osamu slashed and stabbed the dark entity but it didn't do much. He aimed for it's head but easily grabbed his blade of ice and crushed it in its grip but Osamu quickly twisted his whole body and made another sword and stabbed the entity by its neck, making wail in pain and dropping the King. The gray haired male got on his feet and charged again, he attacked but whenever his blades got destroyed he would quickly make another one. The blonde on the ground cried as he knew that his brother was killing himself by using his power like this, he was going to burn himself out. "Samu... please!" But nobody could hear him. In the middle of the fight, Osamu didn't stop, cuts started appearing all over his body and face, he bled everywhere yet he didn't stop. His left eye was already closed from a slash but he kept going. Atsumu could see how his brother's ice was slowly failing him, it was only a matter of minutes before his body shuts down. "OSAMU! STOP!" Osamu stopped, he panted, his clothes drenched in blood but he held out his hand. "Sa- - Samu... please... stop..." But the King didn't listen and still tried to make any weapon he could but only cold smoke came out.

"I am done losing precious people in my life." He took a deep breath. "I am not losing my brother tonight." Atsumu's eyes widened as he watched Osamu slowly conjure a blood-red ice from his hands. The King charges again and this time, no matter what the entity did, his blade did not shatter and it actually made lasting damage on the darkness. For a second, Atsumu actually felt hope but his face immediately fell when he felt immense force that made his whole body tremble, Osamu was pushed back.

"How dare you!" Osamu's eyes widened as he watched the entity's body growing, building up something inside, realizing what he was doing. He glanced at his brother who still couldn't move from his place, there was no time to get to him, he was too far.

"NO!" He ran in front of the entity and enclosed the two of them in an ice dome.

"OSAMU!" Atsumu screamed for his brother but he got blasted somewhere off the cliff, taking the black entity with him. The blonde cried. "Sa- - Samu..."

The gray haired male lay unconscious on the cold ground for a minute for his eyes shot open. His whole body ached all over. His head felt like it was going to split open any second and there was a deafening ringing in his ear. He tried to move but failed.

"You are the most annoying pest that I have ever had to step onto." Osamu turned his head to the voice. "I am going to enjoy the last air you gasp upon." But Osamu turned his gaze back at the nothingness sky.

"You asked, how was it possible that we were awake, unaffected by the disappearance of light?" The entity walked closer to the dying body. "I was always told by my mother that I was a blessing from the moon." He coughed up blood.

"I see... a child touched by a God himself..." Then he leaned down a little. "Such a pity, all that power... just wasted on such a lowly creature." It raised its claws but halted as soon as he saw the King smirked.

"And when the moon falls means it's time for the sun to rise." The black entity quickly turned its gaze at the sky but there was nothing, caught off guard and Osamu took that chance, he got up and used the last of his strength to freeze the entity's body.

"YOU LOWLY WORM! YOU HAVE ANGERED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!" In the fit of rage the entity was able to channel his power, letting his whole body slowly expand and explode. Shards of ice came flying in Osamu's body while pure darkness slashed and cut him. The King fell to his knees then slumped on his back. "You dare deceive me!" The entity stood tall, doing his best to scare and intimidate the dying man but it froze when he saw Osamu smiling.

"But I didn't." The entity turned again but it was too late, a woman with ethereal beauty put her hand on the entity who instantly disappeared.

"You have roamed this land long enough..." She looked at the black sky then turned to Osamu. "You have done well my King." She bowed.

"Tsu- - Tsumu..." Was all he could muster and the Goddess understood but she only looked down. Osamu understood and he felt his heart ache. Despite all his wounds and injuries, none of those compared to the pain he was feeling in his chest.

The Goddess finally looked up and raised her arms. "It's time to wake everyone up." 

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