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Esteemed guests danced around the grand hall of the castle and a feast that could feed the whole Kingdom. Everyone enjoyed themselves, having fun, and was just having the time of their lives. All except The Royal family themselves... The Queen was nowhere in the celebration. The King was trying his best to be lively and was trying to have fun but it was obvious that there was something on his mind. He would sometimes stare off into nothing and would snap back to reality with such sadness in his eyes. And lastly, there was the Prince, the celebrant, the center of attraction, the pride and joy of the Kingdom, the most important person of the day, the one who should be the happiest amongst everyone yet he looked so lost in the sea of people.

For Osamu, every year was like this... His loving mother would become distant on this one special day. She would always try to smile at him but she looked like she just wanted to cry. Osamu glanced at his Father, the King who was talking to the other noble, for the Prince, he was thankful that unlike his Mother, his Father would celebrate with him but he always looked like he didn't want to be there.

The Prince hated this... he hated his birthday. He knew that it was wrong to think that he was raised, cared for, and loved but it felt like there was something not right... something was missing and no one is telling him anything. Osamu felt suffocated in his party, his heart was just palpitating, his head was spinning; he needed to get out of there. He excused himself from the conversation with the other Princes and bolted to the garden where he cried.

"What are you doing here?" Osamu looked up to see the most handsome boy he had ever seen in his whole life. "Why is the Prince crying on his special day?" Osamu couldn't stop staring at the boy, his wavy black hair looked so perfect under the moonlight. His obsidian eyes stared deep into his soul and just above his right eyebrow were two moles aligned over each other. Everything about the boy in front of him was just perfect. "Take this..." Osamu finally snapped out of his thoughts and saw he was being handed a handkerchief. He felt his face heat up and took the small piece of cloth.

"Tha- -thank you..." Was all he could muster from his embarrassment. He wiped his face while the other boy just watched him. He looked down from the intense gaze of the black orbs. "I- - I-" He didn't know what to say... What would he answer if the boy asked why he was crying out in a garden? Alone? On his birthday on top of that.

"No need to say anything, your Highness..." He looked at the boy again, he had such gentle eyes, no judgment or anything that would make him feel bad. "Then, I'll take my leav- -"

"No!" They both flinched, Osamu slapped a hand over his mouth. "I- - I mean..." He felt shy. "Do yo- - you mi- - mind accompanying me...? Just for a little bit!" He pleaded and for a minute of just staring at each other, Osamu felt nervous. The boy looked like he was having a silent argument inside his head. "If you don't want to.... You don't have to..." He felt sad and disappointed but then he heard a sigh.

"Just for a little bit." Osamu wanted to jump for joy, he really wanted to spend time with the boy. The Prince of Inarizaki then patted the space next to him and the boy sat down. "Umm..." The boy turned to him. "You already know who I am... so what's your name?" He asked shyly. "My name is Sakusa Kiyoomi... Son of Duke Sakusa Naoto of the Itachiayama Kingdom." Osamu beamed. He felt like he made a special friend.

They stayed in the garden for a few more minutes just getting to know each other, well more like Osamu asking a lot of questions but Kiyoomi didn't mind and he didn't want to offend the Prince. "I think we should head back inside now... It's your day, people might get worried if you're nowhere to be found." He stood but turned to see that the Prince didn't move from his place and looked a bit sad. "Don't worry, your Majesty..." he looked at him. "I'll come again to hang out if you want." Osamu's eyes started to sparkle from excitement. "Really!?" He jumped up. "Yes." And with that, they returned to the celebration.

That simple meeting made Osamu's night, that heavy feeling that was dragging him down was easily taken care of. But now that he's back with the crowd and a lot of people kept talking to him just exhausted him. He already misses Kiyoomi.

"Osamu!" The Prince turned to see his father calling for him. He made his way next to the King. "Everyone!" The hall went quiet and all eyes were on them. "It is time for my son to receive his gifts!" The King sat on his throne and the Prince sat next to him on his own throne.

One by one, from different Kingdoms and different noble families presented their gifts. They presented lands, rare items, and beautiful jewels and gems but then the hall went quiet again when the doors opened and the Nohebi Kingdom came in.

"Greetings King Hiruki and Prince Osamu!" The King of Nohebi showed courtesy. "Me and my son, Prince Suguru." He bowed. "We came bringing a gift to our new found friendship!" He beamed. "Thank you my friend!" King Hiruki smiled. "Prince Osamu, please accept our humble gift." He stepped aside and presented a boy that was the same height as the Prince walked forward. He has blonde hair and a fox mask that covers the top half of his face. Everyone was just looking, waiting. "This boy was raised to be the perfect servant by one of our finest homes." The boy bowed with one knee while looking down.

"I pledge my life to Prince Osamu." The masked boy spoke, still not daring to look up.

Osamu stood from his throne and went in front of the masked boy. "Raise your head." He commanded and the boy did what he was told. "What is your name?"

"Atsumu, your Majesty..."

MiyaTwins//: Fox PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now