The End

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          As the Goddess commanded, everyone started waking up. Her voice echoed inside each and every being in the battle field, letting them feel her unnerving presence. She needed to stop this war.

"OSAMU!" Atsumu screamed for his brother but he got blasted somewhere off the cliff, taking the black entity with him. The blonde cried. "Sa- - Samu..." Everything went quiet as the blonde was left on the ground; crying. He felt lost, useless, and everything hurts. He thought he could finally change everything, he thought it was finally his time to actually be happy, be free from any burden... He was finally with his Omi, he finally got someone he can call his family, he got his brother, he has loving and caring friends but why was fate so cruel to him?


The blonde gripped the ground.


He can't give up now.


It can't end like this.

          Atsumu tried to stand again, pushing through the pain, fighting the urge to pass out, biting his lips from the aching of every inch of his body. His vision blurred, he felt like throwing up from the dizziness in his head but he kept limping until he finally got to the woman's dead body. He panted as his chest felt tight. He cried as he put a hand on the cold cheek of the woman. "Ya gave me a chance in life... Ya ar- - are the reason why I am he- - here now..." He choked. "Ya are our light..." He cried. He rested his forehead on the woman's, tears fell on her face. "But it's time fer me t- - ta give it back..." He kissed her forehead and light engulfed the two of them. "Please Mom, wake up."

          The disheveled, peasant woman was now glowing in beauty, radiating with power but confusion was the only thing on her face. She felt like she had just woken up from a long nap until she noticed the blonde by her side, holding her hand and there she finally understood. She got up and laid the male on the table, caressing his cheek. "You have been so brave, my son." She kissed his forehead. "I'll let you rest now."

"There has been too much bloodshed already." Everyone felt the pain in her voice. "All of you are children of the light..." She cried. "Please, I do not wish to lose any more of you."

          Monsters and humans stood in front of each other, gripping their weapons, no one truly let their guard down. Fear and survival was what all they could feel and think about... that was until they heard clanking of some things, they turned to see and they saw Prince Ushijima throwing away his sword while holding a red and black demon. They stared at the two who just smiled at each other until they heard the clanking again, and again, everyone turned. The chief of monsters was  bowing his head to the bowing Grand duke of Karasuno. Soon everyone was throwing away their weapons.


          As the sun rose over the land after bloodshed... its bright rays hitting everything on the horizon... The war was finally over but there were no cheers of victory, not even the winners lifted their heads up high for the proud moment...

MiyaTwins//: Fox PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now