My Everything

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"You are our first born..." The King explained. "You are the twin brother of Osamu Miya... son of King Hiruki Miya and Queen Hana Miya..." Why was the King saying all this to him? "You are Atsumu Miya... The first Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom."

Atsumu was just frozen in place, still processing the news. Never in his whole life would he think that he was someone special, he never actually wanted to be someone special, he just wanted to be loved, he just wanted a family. All his life, Atsumu never knew who he truly was, he didn't even know what he looked like, the woman who he thought was his mother never allowed him to see his own face and now he'll get his answer.

"Why?" Was all he could muster but the King understood. It was one question that held so much weight. A question that needed many answers.

"Our Kingdom never stood a chance..." The King started. "It was only a matter of months till everyone perished. Our people begged and pleaded but there was nothing I could do until we decided to go to an oracle for help."

"Go to the dark forest of the south and there you will find the river of night where the moon God rested. Make a wish and they shall grant." The King felt hope, he bowed in thanks but was suddenly grabbed by the oracle. "But beware... everything comes with a price."

"I asked for our Kingdom's future and they spat on my face when the price was you..." The King cried. "Your mother tried to stop me, begged me not to do it but I was blinded by greed. I wanted to be a great King of an amazing Kingdom." He choked. "Just like the moon God had promised, he blessed our Kingdom and in no time, we rose." He smiled but he was in pain. He looked up at his son. "But as our Kingdom rejoiced and celebrated, as I watched those who cheered, laughed and smiled, my heart started to ache because that's when I realized that the people I wanted to see that happy... weren't with me..." His tears just overflowed. "But it was too late." There was so much bitterness in his voice.

"So are you here to kill me again?" Atsumu's voice broke, his heart felt heavy. He couldn't believe that his own father could do that. Did no one really want him? Was it too much to ask to be loved? The King froze. He bit his lips as he took out his blade. He looked at his son and had tears streaming down his expressionless face. "Had I really meant nothing?" The blonde's voice sounded so hurt.

"I'm sorry..." The kIng cried as he embraced his son who didn't move. "I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!" He pulled away and cupped the younger's cheek. "I have to make things right... For our Kingdom... This is the only way."

"Fa- -father..." The blonde's voice broke and so did the King's heart.


Atsumu's eyes widened as he felt a hilt of a blade in his grip being dug into something. He trembled as he looked down and saw that the King had put the blade in his hands, gripping it in his own wrinkled hands and stabbing himself with it. The King slowly went down as he took out the blade from his stomach.

"The blade will only take the blood of a royal for the moon God to save our Kingdom again." For the first time, the King smiled genuinely at his son. "I really wish that we could be a family but the weight of the crown has burdened me, I cannot abandon our people..." He closed his eyes. "But I will not abandon my son for the second time." He looked at peace. "I love you my sons..." And with his last breath. "Ha...ppy"

Atsumu could only stare at his lifeless Father. He didn't know what he felt but he was certain that his chest hurts. He wanted to hold his Father one last time but a familiar figure cme running in. Kitsune stared at the man that he now knows as his brother, since younger twin brother but it wasn't long when the younger finally noticed the man laying in the ground. The blonde knew too well that Osamu wouldn't listen to him.

"It was the only way..." He repeated his Father's words, realizing what he had done. He threw the blade in front of Osamu and ran away. Everything was too much right now. And now, with his Father's death he couldn't face his brother now. He can't let him know what their parents did. "I'm sorry, Osamu..."

Sakusa Kiyoomi sat kneeling in front of Sol, he couldn't move nor say anything, afraid that his Solis would disappear again, afraid that he would wake up from this dream and go back to his empty reality. He started crying again, he couldn't afford to lose his Amata again. But he choked up. "Is tha- - that really you, my So- - Solis?"

"Yes, my Nox." He smiled gently at the crying man in front of him. He was about to reach out but he was tackled by a hug by the taller male. "O- - Omi...?"

"It's really you..." He cried. "You're really here..." The ravenette squeezed him tighter, the blonde felt the other's face pressed against the crook of his neck.

Sakusa Kiyoomi felt alive again, his heart won't stop racing. Everything felt right with the world again. His Amata was in his embrace again, melting away his sorrows, letting him feel warmth again. His Atsumu was with him again, the feel of his soft skin on the bridge of his nose, the warmth that goes through his face. He chuckled as he smelled the familiar scent of honey lemon from the blonde that made him feel at home. The ravenette pulled away a little, still crying. He cupped the blonde's cheeks and smashed their lips together. He savored every second of his second chance with his Solis. Their lips moved in sync as they forgot the years they were away from each other. They shared a passionate kiss that expressed everything they were feeling, the good and the bad. They didn't care about anything else, they were together again. Atsumu was the first one to pull away as he caught his breath, he felt Kiyoomi rested his forehead on his. The blonde held the hands that were cupping his face and looked at the ravenette who was already staring at him with such loving eyes. He had missed this man so much that he had already forgotten his pain.

"Omi..." He got teary. "Please... don't hurt my friends." The taller male wiped the blonde's tears with his thumb and kissed him again.

"Of course, Love. Anything for you." He smiled gently. He stood up and held out a hand for his Amata that gladly took it. Now they stood in front of each other and they couldn't be happier. "My Solis..." He kissed Atsumu's hands, he just couldn't get enough.

"My Nox- -"


"Uuugh..." Kiyoomi's eyes widened as Atsumu coughed up blood. The ravenette froze in place as the blonde slump to his chest, he slowly sat, cradling the latter as he put pressure on the wound. Kiyoomi felt his blood boil as he looked up, he glared at the man who held a bloody blade behind his beloved.

"Osamu!" He growled but the new King only looked down at them, he had tears in his eyes but there was only anger in his eyes.

"You took everything from me." He sounded so broken.  

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