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It has been two weeks since the last visit of the little Duke. The silver haired Prince of the Inarizaki Kingdom has been thinking of ways to impress his best friend for the next time he visits but no matter how hard he thinks, there was nothing coming to mind. He felt a bit down since he just didn't just want to give expensive gifts, he wanted to give something special, something that could express his feelings for the dark haired male.

"My Prince..." Osamu turned to the masked boy by his bedroom door. "Is there something wrong?" But he only groaned in response. "Is there something I could help you with?"

"I just don't know what to give Kiyo..." He looked down, sadness in his eyes.

"How about making his favorite snacks?" The Prince perked up from the suggestion but quickly turned depressed. "What's wrong, your Majesty?" He walked closer to the bed, studying the Prince. "Did I offend you? If so I deserve punishment - -"

"It's not that..." Osamu looked at Atsumu who awaited his next words patiently. "It's just... I don't know his favorite snack..." He felt down as he thought about the times he was together with Kiyoomi and most of the time it was just him talking and telling everything about himself rather than getting to know the ravenette.

"How about some onigiris filled with umeboshi?" But the Prince only looked at him confused. "I remembered that his Grace asked for some one time when he was waiting for you."

"Really?!" Osamu beamed and the masked boy smiled and nodded. "Then can you teach me, Atsumu?!" He sounded excited. Atsumu bowed. "Of course my Prince."

After another week, the King and Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom departed to Itachiyama Kingdom. Osamu excitedly watched the outside from inside the royal carriage. "I have never seen you so giddy like that, my son." Osamu turned to his father who was smiling gently at him.

"I'm just excited to see Kiyo!" He beamed.

"Kiyo?" The King thought for a while. "Oh... you mean Duke Sakusa's son." Osamu nodded happily. "I'm glad you're having fun with your friend."

"Umm... Father..." Osamu looked down as he played with his fingers. "I- - I think- -" He pauses.

"What is it, Osamu? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" The Prince nodded hesitantly but he still didn't say anything. The King put a hand on his son's cheek to make him look at him. Hiruki, looking at his son who had glossy eyes, felt his heart getting heavy.

Ever since the incident 8 years ago, Hiruki pledged to his wife and son that he would give anything and everything they could think of, they could ever want, he knew that what he did was unforgivable, that it was heartless and inhumane but what choice did he have? His kingdom was suffering and on the brink of destruction and extinction. His people were in pain and dying. Sacrificing a big part of him was a small price to pay for everyone's survival.

Everytime his son calls him Father, his heart aches. He didn't deserve to be called such an honor like that. The moment he let his child fall that night had haunted him ever since. He would always hear the cries of his innocent son that he didn't even get the chance to name.

"Osamu..." He gently smiled at the Prince. "I love you more than life itself, you can tell me anything. You can ask me everything your heart's desire and I would do everything in my power to give it to you... so please, be at ease."

"I like Kiyo!" The King flinched, he did not expect that. Osamu started tearing up as his father wasn't responding, thinking he did something wrong. "I- - I'm sorry for li- - liking a boy." He cried and the King finally snapped out of his thoughts and panicked for a bit. He hugged his son.

"Osamu, I'm not mad..." He comforted the crying boy. "If you like the Duke's son then I support you 100 percent." The boy looked up at him. "But you two being together is not up to me, you know that right?" He wiped Osamu's tears away and kissed his forehead.

"I know, Father..." He hugged the older man. "I just want Kiyo to notice me more..."

The carriage stopped and the two inside waited until a familiar masked boy opened the door. He bowed. "We have arrived in Itachiyama Kingdom." The blonde boy stepped aside and let the King come out followed by the Prince. But Osamu was a bit disappointed when the person he wanted to see the most wasn't there to see him.

"My Prince..." Osamu turned to the blonde still having a pout on his face. "I've heard from the maids that the Duke and his son have just finished their meeting with their King." The young Prince perked up thinking that his friend was just busy and that's why he couldn't meet him.

Escorted by the head butler, they made their way inside the unfamiliar palace. Now, they stood in front of huge doors that opened to the throne room where the other King awaits them. They entered and Osamu's eyes landed immediately on Kiyoomi, he smiled at his friend who just gave a polite nod.

"King Hiruki, my friend!" The other King stood and hugged Hiruki. "I welcome you to my humble abode!" He smiled.

"Thank you for having us, King Yoshiro." He pulled away and made way for his son. "This is my son, Osamu..." The little Prince bowed and Yoshiro patted the boy on his shoulder.

"And this is my son, Motoya." A bubbly, brown haired boy bowed then smiled. "How about we let the little ones get to know each other while the adults move to the meeting room."

Once they were escorted to another room. "Kiyo!" Osamu jumped on him and just hugged him. "I've missed you!" He beamed but the little Duke didn't let his annoyance be visible and just patted the silver head of the Prince. "Yes, it's nice to see the Prince again." He politely smiled.

"Wooow..." The two boys turned to the brown haired boy. "I've never seen Kiyo let anyone touch him..." He looked genuinely impressed.

"What do you mean, Prince Motoya?" Osamu asked as he let go of his friend, who looked relieved.

"Well, Kiyo just doesn't like being touched or being close to anyone... even me..." He pouted. "And I'm his cousin!" He whined but the ravenette just rolled his eyes.

"Really?" The Inarizaki Prince had sparkles in his eyes. He felt special if he was the only one who could get close to Kiyo, and he let him touch him.

"Yeah, it's not fair Kiyo!" Osamu smiled to himself, maybe there was hope for his feelings.

"By the way... who's that?" Motoya pointed at the masked boy who just stood by the door.

"That's my personal aide." He gestured for the blonde to come closer. "Introduce yourself."

"My name is Atsumu, your Majesty..." He bowed before Motoya. "It's my pleasure to have the Prince of Itachiyama's acquaintances."

"Don't worry about it!" He beamed. "From now on, you're all my new friends!" He cheered and the blonde was taken by surprise but eventually smiled.

"Oh! Samu!" Motoya grabbed the silver head Prince. "I'll introduce you to my other friends since they're Princes as well!" He started dragging Osamu before he could say anything. The Prince of Inarizaki was happy to have a new friend and was enjoying his company, but when he turned to look back, to call for his aide.

"Hi Atsu..." The little Duke smiled at the masked boy who was looking down, he was playing with the end of his shirt as Kiyoomi looked at the blonde so fondly.

Osamu felt a squeeze in his chest, it hurts. He has never seen Kiyoomi smile like that. Has Kiyoomi ever looked at him like that? Has he ever called him by his name before? Came up with a nickname just for him?

"Atsumu." He called for the blonde who flinched but looked at him and quickly ran to his side. It was only for a second but he saw how Kiyo's smile turned to an annoyed look. He turned to the blonde who was looking down. "Don't fall behind." He sounded cold and continued to walk.

"Yes, my Prince..." Atsumu felt like he did something wrong and it made him sad. 

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