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It had just been a week since Kiyoomi got to their base of the warzone and he already misses his Solis. But he had to focus, he needed to finish and win this war as soon as possible, so he could go back home to his beloved. After a month of fighting, Kiyoomi was finally able to take a little rest, in his tent he found a letter. He opened it and read its content only to drop it when he saw the news. He quickly bolted out his room to commander Ukai telling that he will return to Inarizaki Kingdom for a while, the ravenette didn't even wait for his commander's permission and rode off with his horse. He didn't stop for anything and arrived in just a day. Kiyoomi didn't waste any time and ran to the palace, not even bothering with the servants and guards that were stopping him. He got to the throne room and saw the King and his son.

"Kiy- -" The prince was surprised to see his friend but Kiyoomi marched in and bowed.

"Your Majesty!" He knew he was being rude, especially by ignoring the Prince but he needed to know what happened! "Forgive my rudeness and sudden visit, but!" He looked up at the King. "Please, your Majesty... where is Atsumu?" He lowered his head again.

"My son's carriage was ambushed by monsters, Atsumu did everything to protect his Prince..." The King stood and held something out in front of Kiyoomi.

The ravenette looked up to see a very familiar mask, he slowly took it with shaky hands. It was his beloved's mask, the beautiful white fox mask that was the only thing in between him and Atsumu but now that it was in his hands made him wish that Atsumu was here right now, wearing it, he would promise that he would never ask for the blonde to ever take it off again if it means that he'll stay by his side. Kiyoomi stared at the mask in his hands as his fingers traced the cracks and damage on it, his eyes stung when they landed on the red tassel that dangled on its side, the same one that was wrapped around his wrist. His heart finally broke, finally processing that his sunshine was gone and saw everything around him darkened as tears started falling.

"Kiyo..." Never had Osamu seen Kiyoomi like this before, so broken. The Prince got closer to his friend, wanting to comfort him but the ravenette stood all of a sudden and the air around him changed drastically and everyone in the throne room felt chills.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, but I must return to the battle..." He left without even glancing at anyone, not turning back as he held tight the only thing that matters. He got on his horse and looked at the mask once again. "Don't worry Amata... I'll rid this world of monsters... I'll avenge you... just wait..." He took the tassel from the mask and wrapped it around his other wrist.

Sakusa Kiyoomi rode back into battle, becoming the very thing that he despised, he became a monster himself in the battlefield. A man that had the strength of an army, stamina that could last him days. Everyone was worried and scared, with the way the ravenette was fighting, they could win this war... but at what cost? Nobody could recognize the Duke's son anymore, his eyes were lifeless, he had dark circles, and he reeked of blood and death, he wasn't listening to anyone nor did he wanted to talk, he didn't even realize that 3 years had already passed, the Commander had asked him to return to the Kingdom for a while and recruit more soldier, he nodded and started his journey.

Itachiayama Kingdom welcomed their one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi, the only heir of the Dukedom, and hero of the war. When he got to the palace, he was greeted by his King, cousin, and family that was so proud of his accomplishment through this war but he was a little surprised when he saw the King and Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom in the palace as well. He bowed to everyone in respect.

"Good day my King, your Majesty and everyone else, I've come here with an order from our Commander to recruit more soldiers."

"Yes, we were informed." His King replied. "Do not worry, I've prepared those men already for you to take to battle, even our neighboring Kingdom," He gestured to King Miya. "Has offered their help and doubled those soldiers."

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