I'm Here

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Panic was all the poor Kitsune could do, it was dark and he couldn't see much, his brother and lover passed out but were groaning in pain but Atsumu froze when he realized that it got quiet, too quiet. He knew he didn't go deaf or anything, he could still hear some rustling from trees and other things. His face paled when he finally realized what happened.

"Samu, Omi... I- - I'll be right back..." He laid them next to each other and kissed their forehead before running back to new Haven. His eyes widened as he saw that everyone was the same as Osamu and Kiyoomi. He rushed to look for his friends until he found Tendou passed out, while reaching for an olive haired male's hand that was just an inch away. Atsumu carried the huge male and sat him by a tree, he then took his friend and let him rest next to the other male, letting their hands hold each other.

"Tha- - thank you..." Atsumu turned to the voice and saw a copper head male. He looked like he was in a lot of pain as he didn't move from his place. The blonde helped him lay on his back so he could get a little comfortable. He knew this man, when Atsumu was still an Aide, this man was introduced by the high Priest himself,

Shirabu Kenjiro

Orphan, taken in by the temple, given the title of Saint.

Blessed with the voice of prophecy and messenger of the Gods.

Graced with the power of healing.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked as he saw the latter just staring at him. "Why is everyone like this? What happened to the sun? Why are we the only ones awake?"

"I can see it..." He tried to reach out for the blonde who took his hand. "She resides in you."

The sun Goddess is full of pity and sadness as she watches a devastated King throw away his own flesh and blood for the sake of his people. The crying baby that was swallowed by the river, finally stopped moving. His small, fragile body washed ashore and the Goddess made her way to it, carrying it in her arms, she felt a tear drop from her eyes.

Killed by the moon, only to be pitied by the sun... The goddess kissed the baby's forehead, his black hair turned yellow and he started crying. By the Goddess' blessing of life, she lost her power. Seeing the crying child smile at her when she touched his cheek, she knew then and there that she'll never regret her actions but she didn't notice that someone was watching her and since then, she and the child lived a life on the run. With her last strength she conjured a magical mask that will hide the child's presence from the moon.

"Remember Atsumu... you are a gift from the Goddess herself..."The Goddess caressed the boy's cheek. Her smile was full of love and adoration, remembering the day she held him for the first time. She truly loved Atsumu, that boy was her son even if she didn't bear him. SHe wanted to spend her mortal life with him but she couldn't because like any other mother would, she would protect her child at all cost, she had to leave Atsumu in an orphanage to give him a chance of life. "This mask will protect you... Promise me that you'll never take off your mask... that you'll never let anyone see you..." The poor boy was in tears as he nodded. "I love you Atsumu..." She kissed the boy's forehead. They could hear the soldiers from a distance and the woman knew it was finally time to go. She knocked on the door before finally running away, leaving Atsumu all alone. Her heart ached as she saw her child in tears. "Please be well, my child." She ran, leading away the soldier who caught up with her in no time.

The mighty sun Goddess was now imprisoned in Itachiyama Kingdom, held in by Duke Mashima Sakusa. The greedy man wanted to take her powers but failed throughout the years. He questioned her, tortured her but nothing worked, she kept quiet. She knew that she'll suffer through her mortal life but it didn't matter as long as she knew that her child was free.

As years went by, the Duke finally got his answer that came through a dream. In the first Holy land where the temple of the sun Goddess stood is where she must fall.

Today was the day that the Duke finally got what he wanted. He stood over the Goddess in her human form, as she struggled on the table. Mashima chanted the words from his dream, nearing the end, he lifted his dagger and plunged it into her heart. He laughed as he saw the life in her eyes disappear, he could feel the power leaving her frail body and he wanted it for himself but something was wrong. It started to go dark, Mashima felt something wrap around his neck, he felt chills and death coming for him.

"Foolish human, do you really think you have what it takes to take such a power?" The dark entity finally revealed itself but it wasn't anything but pure blackness and nothingness. "Thank you for killing the light that kept us at bay." It started to laugh evilly. "Now it's finally time for me and my brethren to take over." It snapped the Duke's neck like it was an insignificant twig. The dark entity walked to the dead woman's body, he chuckled, he knew that the fall of the sun was the fall for man as well. "It's time for me to call forth my brothers!" He raised his arms and started chanting.

"Stay away from my mother!" The dark entity turned to the blonde who was holding daggers.

"Impossible!" Atsumu felt chills, he could hear the anger in the nothingness' voice. "How are you awake!?"

"Because I am truly loved by my mother." Atsumu gripped his weapons and charged at the entity but no matter what he did or even tried, he was just a human that could never compare to a being of power. He struggled as he knew that the entity was just playing with him now.

"I have enough of this." With the flick of his hand, the blonde was sent flying, slamming against a pillar. The entity made his way to Atsumu who was coughing up blood, he knew that it broke his ribs. "Pathetic." He raised his arm that revealed black sharp claws. "Time for you to die." But it couldn't move it's claws. When he looked up at it, it saw that it was frozen to the wall. "HOW!?"

"Don't touch my brother!" Osamu panted as he clutched his stomach, he looked like he was going to pass out anytime. He took a deep breath and made blades out of ice from his hands and glared at the entity.

"Samu..." Atsumu stared at his brother in amazement. The gray haired male held his own using his power and he was actually doing damage to the dark entity which angered it.

"I will not let anyone take what I have left!!" He slashed and attacked the entity until he got to the blonde. He crouched down and helped him up. "You okay?" He asked in a gentle tone. Atsumu wanted to answer but when he moved a little, he groaned in pain. "Don't worry, everything will be alright. I'm here... I'll protect you." The blonde felt teary. He felt relieved to have his twin beside him. "Let's finish this." Osamu smiled, making Atsumu smile as well, he nodded.


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