Prologue [Not Edited]

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I sketched his perfect jawline as carefully as I could, getting everything in my dream right. He was too perfect, I couldn't get him out of my head and what sucked was the fact that it was just a dream. This beautiful, Greek god looking boy wasn't real.

"Harry?" There was a light knock on my door. "Mm?" I hummed out, still concentrating on my drawing. The door opened and I heard the heels smacking on the wood floor. "I'm going to work, will you be okay by yourself?"

I closed my sketchbook and nodded. "I'll be fine mom, I've been alone before." She huffed. "Okay honey, I'm just making sure. I'll be home by ten, eleven the latest, okay?" I gave her a small nod. "Got it."

"Go to bed early yeah? You have school tomorrow." She kissed the top of my head before leaving me and my sketchbook by ourselves.

"Time to finish you, babe." I chuckled at my fantasies. This boy is killing me and he doesn't even exist, which makes me look like a total fool.


To Liam: No, it's not the same dream man. Come on, I told you not to make fun of me :(

From Liam: Sorry! :( It's just hard to believe how it's the same guy every time Haz! And he's sexy too..

To Liam: I know <3 I'm so lucky.

From Liam: I'm forever alone :'(

To Liam: Aha xD Dude chill, it's not the end of the world. My dream boy is just a dream boy ._. Sadly..

From Liam: Woooow, what if he's real??

To Liam: *dies*

I put my phone down and chuckled. Liam is some crazy best friend, I swear. But he's right... what if he was real? I would legit die, he's so perfect. He clouds my thoughts, everyday. I always add something to my drawing, either I change something I missed or I change a color. It's a struggle really, erasing color pencil from that type of paper is like trying to scratch off paint from the wall, it leaves a mark.

It's funny though, how can someone be so.. perfect? Even in a dream, how can someone be so beautiful? I may sound cliché or something but damn. That boy makes me go crazy, there's days where I wake up and I have a boner, I'm not even kidding. Then there's days where I wake up extremely happy, even for my own liking. There's times where I wonder if people have dreams like mine.. does anyone else dream about people they don't know exist? Maybe if we looked it up we'd know, but I like the mystery behind my dream. Where is he from? What race? How old is he? What does he like? Dislike? Does he like girls? Boys? Both? It's just a wonder. And I can't sit to actually be one to discover it.

I felt my phone vibrate so I quickly picked it up. "Hello?"

"Heey man, just wanted to ask you something." Liam asked from the other line. "What's up?" I yawned. I feel so sleepy, and I wouldn't mind falling asleep, not even on Liam. "So.. There's this party Friday..." He started, I internally groaned. "And?" I sat up. "And I want you to go with me! Please?" I frowned, I thought we both heated parties.. Unless.. "Liam.. is Niall gonna be there?" I heard him chuckle from the other line. Of course he'd want to go.

"Uh.. yeah.. maybe.." he nervously laughed. I rolled my eyes, this boy has been crushing on him since I have memory. It's that freaking long! "Dude why don't you ask someone else?" I sighed, tired of trying to hook them up.

"Hey you're my best friend!" He complained. "So? What's wrong with your football friends?" He huffed. "They're already going, Harry think." I rolled my eyes. "What's it for me?" I tapped my fingers on my knee waiting for his answer.

"Another sketchbook." I gasped. My sketchbook was full, it only had like 3 pages left so it would be pretty awesome. I actually don't ask my mom for a sketchbook because she says it's pointless for me to have them and because I'm always complaining about my art class and whatnot. She doesn't understand my passion though, my inexistent boy crush. This is why I'm forever alone, I'm crushing on a guy who doesn't even exist, only in my dreams. No one knows except for Liam though, he took it pretty well to be honest. "I'd really like that." I confessed.

"Good. So Friday okay? Don't forget or no sketchbook! Alright I'll see you tomorrow mate." I hung up first and set my phone down once again. I just wanted to fall asleep. I waited some time before my eyelids started to feel heavy, even if it wasn't that late I would always go to sleep early.

I laid down and covered myself all the way to my neck before closing my eyes and letting myself drift to darkness, only it didn't last long.

His beautiful hazel eyes locked with my green orbs as he smiled. "Harry." He acknowledged me. I smiled back at him, admiring how stunning he looked. He chuckled lightly before lifting my chin up to look at him.

"Zayn." I breathed.

A/n: New Story :) Hope you're looking forward to it just like I am! It took me some time to think about this story but yeah c: I'm gonna go with the flow so please please ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Sorry for any grammar error!


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