32. Would You Rather

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

"Would you rather suck a stick or suck a d*ck?" Niall asked Zayn. I wanted to hold in my laugh knowing damn well his answer would be d*ck but also because I knew that's what he sucked. Hehe.

"Niall why are your 'would you rather's' so dirty?" He grunted annoyed. I covered my mouth to stop the smile from spreading my lips.

He looked over at me and smirked. "But I would have to say I'd much rather suck a d*ck. Let's make that clear now."

I laughed. "Wow, awesome." I looked back at him and smirked back.

"Same." Niall shrugged.

Liam laughed. "Whatever."

"Ooo are Zayn and I missing something?" I asked trying to get it out of one of them, they were pretty gullible, kind of.

"Next question! Your turn Zayn." Liam interrupted. I pouted, it was none of my business but I could tease them like they do me or us, as in Zayn and I.

"Okay, Harry," he looked at me. "Would you rather be taken by a monster or a scary creep?"

I looked at him blankly and gulped. This was the end of me, a monster... what type? A scary creep? How scary and how creepy? Do I have a way out of this? Can I take a turn on those questions to make them reasonable?

"Earth to Harry!" I didn't realize I had spaced out until Niall shouted those words.

"Uh..." I scratched the back of my neck. "I guess a scary creep..."

"Don't worry Harry, I'll find you." Zayn smiled nonchalantly like it was nothing. I rolled my eyes playfully, only him.

"Jee, thanks Zayn." I chuckled.

"Welcome." He winked.

"Liam, would you rather marry a woman or a girl?" I knew this was the complete opposite of his likings so this is technically why I picked this.

"Harry you know I got the other way." He grunted.

"Yep. Now answer." I demanded

"Alright boss, jeez. Um, wait what's the difference?" He looked at me dumbfounded. I returned the look and shook my head.


"Okay okay, I got this," Zayn sat up. "Liam, girls are a bit more hormonal than woman and are a bit too crazy to understand why she's been left rather than think positive and the good outcome of being left by the.. gender they go for. As for woman, I like to believe that they are more reasonable with this types of things and they take things to a whole new level. They might still be stuck in the why but they process it faster than the average girl. Meaning, they find a way to move on faster and get hurt but know how to move on faster than girls do. Girls play too much and woman just.. know."

I looked at Zayn surprised and then I looked at both Niall and Liam to see the same surprised look I had. Of course, Zayn and myself had sisters but knowing he knew much more than I did was.. hot. He knew a lot of things I didn't. Him being 19, it comes with a little extra, if you know.

"Well then a woman, wait no, a girl. That was I can break up with her and go for a dude."

"No! Unacceptable. Don't try to find your way around this." I tried, I'm such a hypocrite for this.

"You do it!"


"Lads, please, chill. No biggie, just a game." Niall smiled and pulled Liam closer.

"Sore loser." I mumbled playfully.

"Hey," Zayn pulled me close. "Chill princess." He kissed my temple and gave me his cute 'tongue behind teeth' smile.

"Sorry." I chuckled and cuddled closer to his side, I honestly just wanted to lay in bed with him and talk and chill. Maybe even watch a movie, if he was up for it.

"So... what now?" Zayn asked.

"Don't know." I shrugged.

"Seeing as you two have wanted to hang out alone,
I think Niall and I will leave you guys to it." Liam chuckled as he got up and dusted himself. Wow, as if I didn't clean my room often.

"Sounds like a plan." Zayn said before I could plead for them to stay but hey, I was not complaining.

"Alright," Niall got up and dusted himself too. "We'll be seeing you guys later then. Maybe a double date next time, what do you guys think?"

"Wouldn't it get out of control? You can't keep your hands off Liam and I can't keep them off of Zayn, well, he can't keep them off of me." I smiled innocently.

"Hey you can't resist either." Zayn poked my side making me jerk away.

"Hey," I pouted. "Just kidding."

"Anyways," Liam chuckled. "Thanks for letting us come, enjoy the rest of the day together." He winked.

"Don't forget to use protection!" Niall yelled from downstairs. I didn't even notice when he left.

"Niall!" I shouted horrified.

They both laughed and I looked up at Zayn to see he had a serious face, I gulped. He looked down at me and gave me a sly smile.

"Zayn they're just kidding..."

"I know," he laughed. "But we aren't." He smirked.

I gasped. "Zayn!" I smacked his chest gently but shook my head nonetheless. Not today, not tomorrow, not in a while.

He laughed and laid down. "Come on Harry, let me hold you." He opened his arms as I stepped in bed and cuddled myself on his side.

"You play too much." I mumbled happily.

"Maybe, but not enough."

I frowned a bit not really understanding the meaning of his sentence but I let it go, for now. I'll put my mind in that later when I'm not so into the cuddling and his presence.

A/n: guys this was just a filler. don't hate me! I had so much things to do this past weeks and it was so stressing and I know it's not over yet bc there's still 3 more months left of school. wow. time flies but not quick enough.

dedicated to Toolazytomove for always just leaving awesome comments! you make my day love! thank you! 💕

anyways, hope you guys are great!

QOTC: I'm writing another book. I think I told you guys about it? but I was wondering, would you be interested for me to post the prologue? it'll be a [Coming Soon] story, which will take a while bc I want to finish this story first. but would you guys like to see what it's about? plus, it's a Harry AU, not Zarry this time! (maybe I'll rewrite it one day as Zarry! who knows! but yes.) please let me know!

love you guys!


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