33. I Think

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

Two weeks later.

"If I let him come over Harry then you have to be good. No funny business, okay?" My mom looked me dead in the eyes. For a woman as nice as her she knew us too well.

I chuckled. "I promise mum."

"Alright good," She smiled. "When will he be coming over then?"

"Tonight." I smiled. I was so excited that he'd finally actually stay over. My mum had taken a while to agree but I won't complain.

I took my phone out and sent Zayn a quick message confirming that he could come and stay over. I smiled widely at the idea of sharing the same bed once again and felt my heart race with just the thought of kissing him. I think I was ready to be his boyfriend, shit, I've been ready.



"I can't believe she didn't say anything about the rooms. You have a spare room, she didn't mention it?" Zayn asked as he put his bag down.

"Nope, we won't even mention it." I smiled and sat down on the foot of my bed. He quickly leaned down and captured my lips with his own, this took me by surprise causing a small gasp to fall from my lips. He didn't waste time on pushing his tongue in my mouth and caressing my own with his. The kiss was blissful and it was taking air out of my lungs.

I loved it. I loved every single time we shared a kiss. We pulled apart for air and looked into each other's eyes.

"Harry?" He bit his lip. My heart raced.


"I... I wanna ask you something, but you have to let me take you out." He smiled softly.

I blushed lightly. "Is it good?"

"Well for me it really is, I hope that for you it will too." He smiled brightly at me.

I couldn't wait. I wanted to say I had an idea on what it was but I didn't want to be wrong. I didn't want to get overly excited over something that I could be proved wrong about. Zayn is a great guy, yes he's 20 and I'm 18 but so what, right? My mom didn't care, Gemma didn't, why did his 'best friend' care? I actually wonder what's with Louis.

"Hey Zee?" I played with my hands nervously. I hope he didn't get mad.

"Yeah?" He sat next to me.

"Have you heard from.. Louis?.." I bit the inside of my cheeks now.

He frowned and looked down. "Well, he tried apologizing but it didn't sound like an apology so no, he's still dead to me. As long as he keeps that up and doesn't prove to me that he deserves my friendship I'll leave him out in the dark."

This didn't really sound like the Zayn I knew but even I knew that what Louis did was utterly wrong. He deserved not having Zayn as a friend, and he is a great friend. What a loss.

"I agree. I'm glad you've put some thought to it." I kissed his cheek. That tugged a smile on his full lips and I smiled contagiously back.

"Thanks." He kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly and covered my face on his chest.

"You know Harry, you've made my life a hundred times better than what it was. Yes, I traveled a lot and what not but having you here is the greatest adventure of all.." He rubbed my back soothingly and kissed my curls. I couldn't help but tear up at what he said as I looked up at him. I think I loved him. I really think I do, how could I not? He was perfection just written all over the page.

"Zayn..." I was left speechless. I didn't know how to make this more perfect, it already was. "I-" I gulped. I couldn't say it yet, it's tied in my throat.

"Yes Haz?" He pulled me up closer. I wanted to be official before saying it but I could still add in the I think right? Or would it ruin the moment at all?

"I don't know if I should say it.. Or if it would ruin the moment.." I bit my lip nervously.

"Just say it, there's nothing you could possibly say to ruin this." He said, giving me hope.

I bit my lip again. It's now or later, which would be a bit more awkward because it would slip my lips right after we're official.

"I.." I started again and gulped. "I think I love you." I bit my lip again.

He gave me a long look, one I thought would never end because his eyes were shifting from one emotion to another. I couldn't read them and I was scared, this was messing me up. I should've never mentioned it, he's scared now. I'm just an 18 year old boy, naive at that. He's 20, why would he even love me this fast? What have I shown him? I closed my eyes and opened them again to see a small smile creep on his lips. I didn't know if to relax or stay tensed up.

"Harry?" He ran his fingers through my hair, and I loved it.

"Hm?.." I said a bit afraid of what would come next. A rejection, or something worse.

"Wanna know something?" He whispered as his lips ghosted on mine.

My heart raced and I gulped. "Y-yeah?"

He smiled. "I think I love you too."

A/n: hey guys! this chapter is indeed shorter than usual for a reason. hope you guys liked it tho!

okay so last chapter I asked a question that no one answered haha I mean I just wanna know if you guys would be interested in at least reading the prologue? it will be a coming soon book tho maybe like next year or something like that, I have to see bc I'm gonna finish this book first and then The Kill and then Another World hopefully.

QOTC: yes or no? (😅)

love you guys!


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