14. Too Honest

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

I did keep in thought his eyes, golden. I was coloring them in now and it wasn't just the eye color but his face. The way his cheeks turned rose-y after our shared kiss. I drew him with his eyebrows somewhat creased just because when I opened my eyes that's what I saw. I also noticed how red his lips were almost like he put lipstick on.

After I was done filling in the colors I smiled to myself. Zayn is perfect, my drawings couldn't prove this statement to be any more true. When I got home a minute late my mom actually didn't mind because she said, and I quote 'I expected you to be at least a few minutes late because that is just how teenagers are'. And she wasn't wrong either. I told her I was too tired to tell her how it all went so I gave her a brief explanation. I left out the kiss but I'm sure she took notice by the way we both looked at each other.

Zayn hasn't texted me yet so I took it upon myself to do it after finishing this drawing.

To Zayn: You still owe me that picture. :)

I didn't know if he was busy so I left it there and went to shower. I used my famous strawberry coconut shampoo and hummed while I washed my hair and body. After I was done I heard my phone ring and I quickly shuffled out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped securely around my waist.

To Harry: Look outside your window. ;)

And that's exactly what I did. I opened the curtains and stole a look outside to find Zayn's car in the driveway. My heart fluttered at the thought of him coming to see me after being with me for so long yesterday.

"Well this is a great view." I heard his voice from behind me. I quickly turned around and covered myself even though I had nothing else to cover.

"W-what? Zayn!" I whined.

He laughed. "Oh come on, we're both dudes here."

I gave him the 'really?' look and he shrugged. I looked around and saw my sketchbook on the desk so I discretely took it and silently placed in inside a cabinet before he looked at me again.

"You're turning like Liam, just walking in my room like you own this part too." I shook my head, chuckling.

He pouted. "Liam has seen you?"

I blushed, oops.


"Well damn," He sat on my bed. "What a shame."

"Aw come on, your time would actually mean something and it would be special!" I went in my drawer and slid my boxers on under the towel, I let the towel drop to the floor before making my way to my closet and picking at my usual outfit only this time I put my Pink Floyd shirt on.

"You're right, I'm glad you're right," he stood up and held a small paper towards me. "I forgot yesterday but not today."

I took it from his hand and flipped it around to look at his senior picture. He looked and I quote myself from last time, hella fine.

"And you have no shame," I smirked. "You look.. What's a way to say it nicely and not sound like you're a brand or temperature.."

"Hella fine, thanks, I know." He smirked. I looked at him and felt the need to hit him but I didn't because after all, he was right.

"How cocky of you," I chuckled. "I even got my fist ready to wipe that smirk."

"Ouch, too honest." He laughed.

"Well, I'm still working on that." I smiled. I placed the picture on my mirror so I could look at it every time I woke up and when I went to bed.

"We even?"

"Yeah, we're even." I chuckled.




"No, get away!" I shoved him playfully.

"Last time you didn't pull away!" He laughed.

"Well I'm pulling away now that I got the chance!"

"Again, ouch." He pouted.

"Aw, did wittle Zaynie get his feeling hurt?" I pouted and chuckled.

"Meanie, and here I was thinking you were the nicest person in the world."

"I guess my honesty is rubbing on you," I pouted. "That hurt my feelings." I fake sniffed, pretending to cry.

"But- okay, kiss me then." He poked his lips out.

"Haha sike, got something in my eye." I laughed. He gave me that look and I laughed. He really did want a kiss, I was done teasing him now though. I'm so playful people get confused.

"Come here." I patted the spot closer to me.

"Not gonna shove me off, push me off, pull away or deny that you want it?" He sat close where I patted, close in this case because he actually say way closer.

"Not gonna do any of that Zaynie." I chuckled, placing my hand on his cheek.

He smiled at me before leaning in and capturing my lips with his. The kiss was yet again like yesterday only now I could feel his tongue on my bottom lip and I debated with myself to whether let him in or not. But of course I did and he didn't hesitate to wonder his tongue around my mouth, catching me off guard and making a small moan fall from my lips.

He pulled away and smirked, making me blush because of course at a time like that he would pull away to either point it out or just plain out smirk.

"That was hot, " He licked his lips. "And the taste divine."

I blushed. "Yeah, yeah, stop it." I whined.

"Admit it Haz," he hugged me. "You thought it was hot too."

"I know I'm hot, thank you though!" I tried.

"Nah, let's not state that fact but let's state the fact that our shared kiss was hot." He smiled with his tongue poking behind his teeth.

"Okay, I admit it," I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully. "The kiss was indeed very hot."

"Glad we agreed on that, the fact you moaned gave it all away." He winked. Wow, see what I mean? He would point it out but just wait till I got my payback on him. Oh how I would tease the heck out of him.

"What?" He asked knowing I had something in mind.

"You'll see soon enough." I winked.

And soon it would come.


A/n: Yes! This story is mainly fluff aha but there are times when s.hit goes down! It's only chapter 14 soooo just wait and see. :)

Bad news :( SCHOOL STARTS IN 4 DAYS! 😭 I still don't know what to do when I get there bc I had to get my schedule changed, sigh.

I hope you guys liked this fluffy chapter! Zayn and Harry here are just asdfghjk for me haha, don't you think?

QOTC: Have you guys thought about where the other boys are at? (Louis and Niall)


P. S. I had a dream about 1D and it was so adorable but I woke up like 'huh, interesting dream with papa Liam, cupcake Harry, normal and hungry Niall, sassy Louis, and Funny Zayn, literally he was funny.

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