10. Sweet & Scare

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[Not Edited]•

Liam's POV

"I'm gonna call Harry back in, alright?" I asked making sure he didn't have anymore questions or anything else to say.

"Yeah go ahead." I guess not then.

I got up and went over to the theater room since it was the only place I heard some voices I assumed he was in there.

"Harry you can come back now, we're done talking," I sat next to him and watched as he slowly looked at me and turned the big screen off. "What?"

"How did it go? Was he honest? Did he say anything bad? Was it nice things?" He seemed panicky so I back handed him and shook my head.

"Chill you pest," I chuckled. "Everything went very well actually, he was as honest as honest can be and all he said was nice things, I promise. Now come on don't make your man wait any longer."

"Right, sorry, sorry." We both stood up and went back to his room. Zayn was looking around patiently and to not startle him I cleared my throat just like Harry did when he came in with Zayn.

"Hey." Zayn smiled over at Harry. I walked over and sat on the desk chair to let them be on the bed, and not like that don't be gross. I meant to sit together on the bed, nothing more, nothing less.

"Hey." Harry blushed slightly. I felt like leaving already because I knew where things were headed, they'd get all cheesy and couple-y.

"So is that all you need me for?" I cleared my throat. Harry looked over at me and frowned.

"Dude, you can stay and hang out with us that's the reason you're here." He huffed and crossed his arms like a little kid. Well that's what he looked like to me.

"Fine but don't you guys start kissing and stuff or I'm out, what are we doing anyways?"

"We won't kiss," Zayn blushed. "I-I mean not yet.." He cleared his throat and looked over at Harry. I chuckled and shook my head, this guys will be the death of me.

"Not yet." Harry blushed and left his room to go back over to the theater room.

"Alright then, I guess we're watching a movie!" I followed. "What movie? It could be horror but Harry's a little chicken for it." I teased him and chuckled.

Zayn was behind me so he heard everything and laughed.

"Aw don't worry Haz! I'm right here so you have nothing to be afraid of." He smiled and sat down next to him pulling him close. Guess I'll sit on the other couch then.

"Okay.." He mumbled and snuggled closer. How cute, I think I'll trust Zayn on this one too.

Harry's POV

As the movie proceeded I could sense that I was gonna shit myself. Why did Liam pick the scariest movie?! The Conjuring. Who the fuck, with a sane mind, would pick that dang movie?. I was so mad so so mad right now they wouldn't believe it but I was also scared shitless and I would keep burying my face on Zayn's chest, that was the only logical thing to do. I know that after we're done I won't feel the same in this house or alone at that.

"C'mon Haz, it's alright, it's gonna be alright." Zayn whispered in my ear and rubbed my back trying to soothe me but in reality I could not relax, not until it was over.

"It's a true story." I half whispered/yelled.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Liam exaggerated.

I rolled my eyes and nuzzled my face on Zayn's neck, at least I know this calms me down. After a few more minutes the movie was over and I could look again only that Liam wasn't in the room anymore.

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