15. Harry?

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

Since our first kiss on the date we've been kissing non stop and I've been teasing the heck out of him since that day he came in my room when I wasn't even ready. He did surprise me, indeed he did.

"Harry stop." He whined.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." I laughed. I knew exactly what I was doing, I told him it would come soon didn't I? Two weeks and he wasn't ready yet? He should've expected it.

"I knew you were gonna pull this crap," he pouted. "You know I hate it when you eat bananas."

"No, no you love when I eat bananas," I winked at him and laughed, taking yet another bite from it. "And I love eating bananas so it's a win win."

"But bananas kinda look like-"

"Ah! Don't say it," I laughed. "I know."

"That looks painful then." He pouted.

And so I continued to tease him with foods and 'touches' more like 'accidental' touches. He didn't say anything but his face did, I knew it was working by then.

I leaned over to grab the remote control from the tv and made sure to graze his manhood. Accidentally of course, I heard his breath hitch and a light nervous chuckle escape his perfect lips.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did something happen?" I sat back down in my original spot.

"U-uh no, nothing, haha.." He said nervously.

Haha, got him. This was gonna be a fun week.


Zayn's POV

I had gone after being at Harry's for so long, I hadn't noticed that I had stopped hanging out with my best friends since I came here because I was just so busy with my crush.

From Louis: Miss ya mate, when are we gonna hang out again?

From Niall: Waiting to go over your place to hang out, soooo text me when you want.

I groaned to myself, I felt bad for putting them off. Niall and Louis were the closest but they each had someone. Niall had this huge crush on Liam, in all honesty Liam is a great guy, and Louis was the straight one, dating Jen.

To Louis: You and Niall can come over today if you want. I'll explain why we haven't really hung out this past weeks but just hear me out before saying anything back.

From Louis: Look who decided to finally answer. Mate you've been like off the radar for a while, I'll be there in a few, I'll also tell Niall since he's over. I hope your excuse is good to not hang out with your best mates for a long time. See you in a bit.

And with that I locked my phone. Then I remembered of my lock screen. I smiled to myself thinking back on when I took the picture, Harry and I were on our date and he had fallen asleep while watching 'Get Hard'. I couldn't help but take my phone out and take a picture of the peaceful boy next to me, it was really cute and he had this small smile upon his lips and it made me smile, so pretty much it was the best date ever, if you ask Harry and me.

I was thinking of going on a trip with Harry after he graduates. I know it's coming soon since Doniya told me about it and I was gonna go for the both of them. I don't know where to take him yet but as long as we're together, nothing matters.

I got up from my bed and changed to something more comfortable to be at home in and walked downstairs to see Doniya on her phone, like always. I was no better but I could leave my phone for a few hours, now her? No, she had to have it on her 24/7.

"Hey sis, who you talking to?" I sat next to her.


"Nonya?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Non ya business." She laughed.

I let my eyes fall half shut and I just stared at her while she still laughed at her lame joke.

"Seriously." I shook my head.

"What?" She giggled. "Come on that was funny? I meant that though, fifty percent."

"Is it someone I don't like and that's why you don't want to tell me?"

"It's Harry bruh."

"Why are you talking to my- to Harry?" I almost let it slip, 'My' Harry.

"My?" She smirked. "Wait till I tell him this."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, seriously though, why?"

"Because I met him first? Just because you guys like each other doesn't mean I can't talk to him. He's saying how pretty and nice I am." She smirked.

"Like brother like sister." I shook my head.

"Wrong. Like father like son."

"Doni. Chill, I literally mean it the way I said it."


"Because you act like I do and I know you're 'trying' to make me jealous, which I'm not because I know he's gay." This time I smirked.

"Damn. Guess you're right, so you're not jealous?" She tried.

"Not a bit." I laughed and went over to the kitchen and cooked some dinner. Our parents were working, not that it wasn't obvious already and Doniya was too lazy for her own good.

I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was them for sure. "Doniya please get that!"

"Louis in da house!" I heard Louis yell.

"Zayn in the kitchen!" I chuckled and shook my head.

"Smells great." Niall commented as he sat on the chair and sniffed the air.

"Thought your sister would be cooking by now." Louis chuckled.

"You're hilarious," I laughed. "She only cooks on her phone, a game I mean." I shook my head.

"Oh, how sad.." Niall sighed.

"Eh, she's like me," Louis shrugged. "Anyways what were you gonna tell us?"

"Uh, wait," I placed the spoon down and wiped my hands on a towel. I sat down and intertwined my hands. "So.. Listen, I know it was kind of wrong to not tell you guys this because you guys are my best mates but I'm seeing someone, well not dating but almost dating. A few more weeks probably a few months but you get my drift, yeah?" I bit my lip knowing one of them wouldn't be too okay with this.

"So you've been ignoring us because you 'met' someone?!" And there's Louis.

"Lou calm down, wait, we can't be this way since we both have our own thing going on and Zayn is single, it's not fair." Niall defended.

"Well thanks Niall.."

"But it doesn't change the fact that you could've told us earlier." Niall now complained. I groaned and sighed.

"It's Harry guys, Harry! You know.. My," I rubbed my temples, they knew about this but I didn't like saying it out loud too much.

"We know." Louis nodded.

"Like- wait, as in Harry? Your Dream Boy?" Niall chocked on his spit. Louis rubbed his back and looked at me in disbelief.

"My dream boy..."


A/n: Whaaaat??? Harry's Zayn's dream boy?? Haha... Anyone see that one coming? Yes? Oh.. Well then.. 😅 not my best chapter? Haha..

Soooo there might be a bit of drama coming! Anyway this authors note won't be long bc I really don't have much to say haha. Well thank you for the 2.7k guys! :) and for following me! :) means a lot!


P.S. School starts in 3 days ._. Wish me good luck, sigh.

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