37. A Start

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Harry's POV

Sunday morning

We had packed our bags Friday night and placed them in the car Saturday night. I can't believe these days flew by in a blink of an eye and here I was saying goodbye to my mother and sister.

"Please let me know when you've landed." My mum kissed my cheek one last time before letting me go. I groaned.

"Mum I gotta go, I'll try."

"Bye Hazza." Gemma waved and smiled causing me to smile back.

"Zayn please tell him to let know when you guys land."

He chuckled. "I'll remind him Anne."

That seemed to shut her up and in a way I was pleased. Don't get me wrong I love my mom but she's always on top of me and telling me what I should do.

"Well, bye now. I'll call when I can, don't expect it but I will."

Zayn and I waved one last time before getting in his car and driving off to the airport. First we'd go on a plane to America and then we'd come back to use his luxury yacht and then we'd move on to a car trip. This summer was gonna be amazing.



We were finally sat in his private jet, I wasn't annoyed about it since we were technically alone but I had expected to go to a normal plane. And I wasn't disappointed either but it would've been cool.

"All set princess?"

"Yes, baby stop calling me that." I whined. It did make me feel some type of way but it was a bit embarrassing considering I really was the girl here.

"Aw," he laughed and pinched my cheeks. "You're cute, you know that? We're landing on New York first. Where would you like to go next?"

The plane lifted off the ground as I thought. I looked out the window in awe and smiled. "New York, Texas, Virginia, California, Oklahoma, Colorado," I thought for a moment. "Maybe we won't get to all of those but I'm sure they all have something cool to offer."

He smiled and intertwined our hands. "Of course they do baby, I've only been to New York but now I get to be with my boyfriend and it's gonna rock."

He's such a dork but I like him, obviously. He's hot too but everyone knows that, even him.

"What?" He looked at me and smiled.

I blushed. "What?"

"So I'm hot again?" He chuckled.

"I guess I keep saying it out loud, might as well keep it that way, hottie." I winked playfully and smiled.

"Well you're not too bad yourself." He winked back.

"I can't wait to land." I sighed happily as I looked over at him.

"Let's enjoy the flight." He smiled and moved the armrest to pull me closer. I nuzzled my face on the crook of his neck and relaxed.



"I can't believe we're staying here." I said while looking around the expensive hotel.

Zayn chuckled from behind me and threw his bags on the bed. "Well my princess deserves a five star hotel."

I gasped. "Five star?!" I looked at him shocked.

"Like I said baby, you deserve it." He pulled me close and pecked me.

I giggled. "I like it when you call me baby."


"Yeah. Like, a lot." I smiled up at him.

"Well you call me that too you know," he chuckled. "And I like it too."

"What else do you like?" I ran my hand up his abs and chest. I heard his breath hitch and a small smirk formed on my lips.

"I- y- I like you uh close," he finally blushed. "Your lips, and your body, your face..." He leaned down so our lips touched. "And that beautiful heart of yours." He mumbled against my lips.

My heart fluttered at his words, I couldn't hold back anymore, I pressed my lips firmly against his and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We pulled apart after our lugs burned from the lack of air, Zayn brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled.

"So our adventure starts."

A/n: I'm sorry for this trashy chapter guys. I'm quite disappointed myself but it did have to happen for the real fun to start!

again, sorry it was a trashy! I hope I don't disappoint again.

quick announcement! I will be publishing news after this about my books and not an ultimatum but a choice. so stay tuned!

all the love!


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