♥️ Thank You ♥️

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you guys are the best. this story has reached about 20k guys and I'm so so proud!

I wanna start off with special thank you's and trust me, just because I didn't mention you does not mean I did not notice you!!!

Fireproof_Zarry where do I even start with you Bae?? You're my number one fan, my rock, my jelly! you and I built a bond ever since I commented in your book and from there on we just talked, talked, and talked some more! I trust you with my life and luckily for you, my food. 😂 you're such a Niall, I swear I can't deal! 😂 but nonetheless I love you and I thank you for everything. this book wouldn't have happened if you didn't push me to write it. I owe it all to you. 😘♥️

Mrsdenisemalik gosh, you've been here since day one, voting, commenting, and supporting. I thank you for all you have done and all the funny, sweet comments you leave behind. those give me life. 😂 you're such a sweetheart and I hope you know you're just one of the others who have been in the ride of my roller coaster, thank you. 💕

A_Dark_Secret girl, you're the bomb! your comments always make me smile and you're just the type to make me laugh with the silliest things. thank you so much for all the support, I love you. I also miss talking to you, hi!

Toolazytomove  you're a blessing baby, thank you so so much for all you do and the funny, sweet comments you leave. I love how you found me in a book and commented. I'm glad I'm noticed by you and you really mean a lot to me, more than you think. I really look forward to your comments so please never stop! and if we ever get the chance to talk, hit me up girl!

Littledevil02 you were also here day one and I thank you for supporting me and everything you've done to be involved with the story and me. thank you for noticing me in your stories, too. 😂 I love you! you're awesome! I'm glad you actually stayed, you're great.

StyLinRanLikYne hello! how are you?? I have not seen you in a while. but when you're here I notice you every time because again, you've been here since day one. I can't thank you enough love, you really do mean a great deal to me. thank you, I love you. ☺️♥️

areeba_stylik  you're another one that has been here since day one. I'm glad you stayed for the ride, your presence here has meant a great lot. thank you for all the votes and I thank you for the support. love you! 💕

1Dreamlove777 where do I begin... even though you weren't here since the start, you absolutely reached the end with everyone else! I can say I noticed you on the third chapter when you started leaving comments here and there. :) thank you for the countless commenting and voting, you sure know how to keep me happy and smiling. ♥️

1Daremybabes_xx my twin! I wouldn't forget you! thank you for everything, honestly you've been an amazing person, you even took time out of you me day to text me and I really appreciate that. we shared laughs over silly pictures and I really needed that. I love you!

@HopelessRomanticxT you have kept in touch with the book and involved yourself in it, arguing for a point and agreeing with some characters. I'm glad you enjoyed the book enough to stay until the end. thank you.

TemptingWilderness I love you! I notice you every time thank you thank you thank you! you're honestly the best and you're so encouraging. I love your small comments they make me smile and thank you for the votes and the support, bless your heart! 😘

if I didn't mention you, again, don't worry. just because you're not up there doesn't mean I don't notice you. for those who I didn't mention, I also thank you because without you this book wouldn't be where is at now. I love you all.

I hope all of you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. and I hope all of you stay with me on the ride because now Dressed is coming!

Q: anyone reading Dressed when it's out?

and guess what.. TOMORROW, I'm posting out the prologue so you guys can add the story to your library and stay tuned!!



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