40. Lust, Love, and Sex

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

His body was between my legs and his chest pressed against mine. My lips parted as his tongue roamed in my mouth, making me moan. My skin ignited with his every touch as his hands slipped under my shirt and up and down my thighs. My boner and his very prominent.

I fought with his tongue as is grazed with mine, I needed him. This talk we had had led to this and I think it was inevitable at the same time. Today was gonna be the day I was gonna lose my virginity to the man I loved, Zayn. And not only to him but in this amazing, romantic, expensive yacht.

"Zayn.." I moaned as he started kissing my neck. He slowly picked me up, his hands on my bum. Our crotches rubbed together and caused us both to groan.

He took us back to the bed and laid me down without parting his lips from my skin. I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged, wanting more than kissing. He sucked and nibbled on my soft spot, a throaty groan escaping my lips. He was testing me with patience and I was ready to flip us and take over if he didn't hurry.

"Z-Zayn ah-" He stared grinding down on me. My lips parted in pleasure, not being able to contain the sensation that was slowly building up in my lower abdomen, and he knew.

He pulled away, admiring me. I blushed, biting my lip. He was being honest when he said he wouldn't just fuck me because here we are, him looking down at me and admiring me, appreciating me.

But right now all I needed was his burning touch. I pulled him down once again and kisses him passionately, filling the kiss with love and passion, this was exactly how I felt and I made sure he knew. A small smile played on his lips just like in mine, our teeth kinda clanked, making us chuckle. His hands freely roamed my body once again, feeling me through my sweat. My breathing picked up already awaiting what was to come.

The longer he took the more I squirmed in desperation, he needed to do something and now. "Zayn s-stop teasing and please..." I breathed out.

"Mhm." He finally responded in voice and touch. His hand slipped in my sweats and he slowly guided them down my legs until they were finally off and the same thing happened with my boxers, my boner sprung up and slapped against my stomach. I bit my lip and he took his own off, I sat up and helped him. He smirked down at me and lifted my chin, kisses me hard.

I moaned into the kiss once our bodies pressed together, the feeling of being nude and close getting to my senses. As I wrapped my legs around his waist he reached over the drawer. I knew what he was getting but I was too lost in our actions to even care. Once he had it in his hands he pulled away a little, dabbing his index and middle finger in the bottle of lube. I gulped, I'm sure this would hurt but I was ready.

"You okay?" He kinda panted and looked at me, his eyes dark and filled with lust. I gave him a small nod and watched as he guided his hand to my hole, I whimpered as he inserted one, it felt so weird and out of place. But once I looked at his face everything seemed okay and the feeling of it being weird vanished.

"Please." I whispered. Even if it hurt, I knew he'd take care of me. He slowly inserted his second finger making my breath come out shakily, it kind of hurt but it wasn't that bad. Now as he inserted his third finger, I dug my fingernails on his broad shoulders, it stung. How can people --guys-- like having objects or fingers, a dick, inside their hole? It fucking hurts and Zayn knew because the frown and pained look on my face said it all. He stopped and looked at me.

"Want me to stop?" He asked softly as he ran his free hand through my hair, calming me almost instantly. I shook my head quickly wanting to get to the best intimate part that would take place in a matter of seconds. I couldn't give up now.

"Okay." He whispered, slowly moving his fingers again. My breathing shook and my eyes shut close as the stinging feeling subsided and turned to pleasure. I moaned softly but as his fingers moved faster my moans grew louder. When I felt my member twitch he stopped and pulled his fingers out.

"Ready?" He ran his fingers gently down my chest and wiped off the pre-cum from my throbbing tip, making my hips jerk up. He smirked, licking it off from his thumb, I bit my lip hard, nodding.

He slowly slid in, my breathing suddenly stopped and my face contorted. He was big, now I knew. I was to into his fingers that I forgot to look at his manhood. He didn't move, just stayed there until I adjusted. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my side as he hovered over me.

"Ready?" I shook my head quickly. If he moved I swear it would rip my ass open. He pulled out and slipped back in, my breath hitched at how bad it hurt, he had slipped through the second ring.

"A-are you," I breathed. "A virgin?" I gulped. He shakily chuckled, obviously enjoying the tightness of it. I took a deep breath, I needed to man up and take it all in to finally feel the pleasure about all of the fuss of how great sex was with your lover.

"J-just go." I grunted, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer. He gave me a puzzled look, but quickly took on as he pushed in all the way causing me to let out a small cry of pain, I teared up. This was gonna be an impossible day, I couldn't go through without crying my eyes out.

"Shhh, baby," he kissed me and went down to my jaw. "I love you." He whispered and drew circles on my hips. I gulped and nodded.

I felt him shift and move causing me to bite my lip hard and swallow the pain down. After a few minutes of feeling pain I started feeling something good, something that turned the horrific feeling into something pleasurable. Zayn noticed and picked up his pace, my hips met his thrusts and that's when it hit it. I moaned loudly and grabbed onto the sheets, he had hit my prostrate.

He smirked. "Feel good, baby?" He thrusted faster and harder, hitting it every time causing me to shudder and squirm in pleasure. My moans and his changed in octaves, his thrusts became sloppier and my hands roamed freely along his body.

"I-I'm close." I breathed. He grunted, agreeing with me. He thrusted harder and faster and that's when I came undone against his and our stomachs. That drove him to the edge and he came inside, stopping all movement and tensing as he came. I found it very hot and bit my lip.

He pulled out and laid next to me, we both panted. I cuddled close to his chest as he kissed my forehead and held me close.

"I love you so much baby." He breathed deeply.

"I love you."


A/n: here it was, you're welcome now! I'm not gonna say I need to bathe in holy water bc honestly easier said than done. I don't got the holy water. 😂 anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it!

QOTC: anyone need to drink water? 😁

so I think 4 chapters left? and then Dressed' prologue will be out! I love you all!


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