26. The Kiss

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•[Not Edited]•

Dedicated to Fireproof_Zarry the bae 😍 she knows when I'm gonna update and she encourages me as well and I just love her! so I hope this encourages her to update as well. 😂

Harry's POV

The date went great, I can't tell anyone about it yet because I'm just still processing it. And no we didn't do anything bad or naughty or whatever goes through your mind but it was... perfect.

Okay I'll tell you.

Remember his luxury yacht? Yeah it wasn't there haha. Instead he took me to this cabin up in the mountains, don't ask why. But the view, it was like a fairy tale.

I remember asking him why, and he only said because I deserve the world and this to him, was his world. The cabin, the view, the things around us, the sky that we couldn't reach. Nonetheless, all of it went according to plan.

He had taken time out of his day to prepare the whole cabin and make a big fort full of just everything. Food, drinks, games, tv, everything. I would say that fort took him a day to make. Glad I said no so many times huh? Gave him a lot of time to think all of this through.

"How was the date?" My mom popped out of nowhere and sat next to me on the couch.

"Brilliant." I sighed happily and took a sip of my tea.

"You seem happier, I love seeing you this happy." She rubbed my back.

"I am happy," I stared off into space. "Zayn makes me.. feel.. many many ways."

"Oh.. I think someone's in love." She winked. I choked on my spit and looked at her unbelievingly.

"Too far mom, it's been like.. 5 months. We're not even official yet.."

"That's because you don't want to be. I know you don't like rushing into things Harry but think about it, you've been liking this boy for 5 months."

I thought about she said and it's true. Zayn was someone I shared a deep feeling for but I wasn't really sure about love. I might have said it before but I've never said it scared the living crap out of me.

"Like you said, I don't like rushing into things. Either way, I told you that we'll be going off for a couple months for summer, maybe we'll hit things off by then."

My mum nodded and stood up. "You're right, there's still time to get to know each other. Done with the tea?"

I nodded. Couldn't agree more. I handed her the cup and got up myself.

She walked off into the kitchen and I ran up the steps to my room and closed the door. I need to call Zayn.

I dialed his number by memory and waited as I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello beautiful." My heart fluttered at the nickname.

"Hey," I giggled and mentally face palmed, shut up girly Harry. "You busy?"

"Never busy for you." And again my heart fluttered.

"Stap," I blushed and thankfully no one could see it. "But yeah I was wondering if you could come over? Well you don't have to I mean-"

"I'd love to Harry." He cut me off and chuckled.

I smiled wide and sighed in relief. "Alright, awesome, please ring the doorbell for old days sake."

He laughed. "I've got style, Styles."

It was my turn to laugh. "Smooth."

"Like those lips of yours."

"Okay..." I dragged the 'y' out. He's really being a flirt.

He chuckled. "See you in a bit Harry." And with that he hung up. I sighed happily and gasped, I have to get ready.

I wore my jeans and a green shirt that matched my eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked in the mirror. Good enough. I ran downstairs to mum and looked at her dancing to no particular song. I see where I got it from.

"Hey mum, Zayn is coming over."

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I look like a mess!" She looked down at herself and I laughed.

"Mum you look great, he's here for me not you," I chuckled. "You're beautiful but not his type."

"Very funny Harry, very funny, " She smiled and shook her head. "Right then, anything you want me to make in specific?"

"Don't worry mum, I got it covered."


"Surprised?" I laughed.

"I would be, but I raised you."

"Wow, the pride." I rolled my eyes playfully.

She laughed. I heard a knock on the door and I slowly walked towards it, fashionably late for me is be a little late because I'm that type of person, don't completely satisfy your.. crush, partner, whatever. I opened the door to not see anyone there, I frowned and rolled my eyes.

"Zayn it's not funny!" I called out and looked around. "Zayn!..." I was about to close the door when someone put their hand over my eyes, at first I was confused like hell but then his scent hit me. I smirked and hummed thoughtfully.

"Mum what are you doing?"

He giggled.

I turned around when he least expected it and looked at him directly in the eyes, we both locked eyes and his eyes held an emotion I couldn't describe but they were bright and alive, happy even. I exhaled, he's a very beautiful man and he probably doesn't even know.

"I knew it was you by the way." I blushed slightly.

"Clearly," he winked. "Someone's happy to see me."

"Clearly." I copied and smiled.

He laughed and held his hand out. I gladly took it and followed him up to my room. When we got there on my bed was spread out different art supplies and I was taken aback. When did he do this?

"W-when did you do this? Oh Zayn I love it!" I threw myself in his arms for a tight hug and I kiss that neither of us expected yet didn't pull away from.

Once we did though he looked at me in shock, and I looked at him shocked as well. Even though it was not our first kiss it was something we didn't expect would happen at this moment because really nothing led to it. Yes, he did this really nice and thoughtful thing but it would've led up to this kiss.

But we both smiled after processing what happened.

"Well I wouldn't mind another kiss like that." He winked.

"Me neither."

"I should do this more often then."

"No," I shook my head. "Bring yourself as my gift most days and you'll get it. You don't need to spoil me with material things just with your attention and I'll be the happiest lad on earth."

That brought the biggest smile to his face and I couldn't help but smile back. He just has that effect on me.


A/n: don't remind me how long it has been! I've literally been going through a lot but hey! it's a new year and well... HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS! ♥️

thank you for being patient!

QOTC: what are you guys resolutions of this year?
(mine are about 7. work out, stay focused, good grades, be organized, go to a concert bc I still have not gone to one!, hang out with friends more and not be such a loner, and get a job this summer if I'm not traveling).


p.s. What do you guys think of Harry and Kendall hanging out again??? I honestly am like 😡🤔😅😖😨🤒

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