36. Soon

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Harry's POV

Today was Thursday and it was the second to last day before Zayn stopped working at the museum. So as a surprise I would visit him today, I told him I would but never told him when and he was most likely expecting me tomorrow but oh no, I'm not as predictable. Well actually I'm hoping I'm not as predictable.

I told Liam about my sweet idea and he called it rubbish so I said his face was rubbish. Of course he took it to his big heart and told Niall, his daddy. I don't know, it just seems like Liam is a baby and Niall a daddy and he- okay anyway, before I get too carried away with this, Liam told Niall and Niall said that Zayn's face was rubbish. I took it out on both of them and said if they ever in a million years said that to me about my baby I would dissect their balls, boil them like eggs, shave their heads bald, and make a soup. Now that I think about it this is disgusting but I'm kidding I actually told them to rot in hell and that there they wouldn't even be considered rubbish but inexistent.

I'm sure that shut them up because they never texted back and I was happy as it was. They well deserved it for not being able to take a joke.

I finally decided to leave the house and go to the museum. I let my mum I'd be back later but didn't give her a specific time because I honestly didn't know how long I'd stay with Zayn or what we'd do.

I drove over to his work and when I got there I parked close to the entrance. Once I was inside I made sure to not make any type of fast movement or anything that would give me away.

I cleared my throat when I got to the front desk. "Hi, I'd like to purchase a ticket." I smirked at him once he saw me and had a look of shock written on his face.

"Harry." He breathed and a big smile spread across his face. He was beautiful.

"You actually came." He chuckled. He was about to get up but realized it wasn't the time and place so he shifted on his seat.

I chuckled. "Of course baby, I wouldn't miss this for the world. Seeing you work in a place you love is amazing." I looked around.

"I could've paid in advance if I knew you'd come today though." He crossed his arms. He wasn't mad, just uncomfortable in his seat.

"I don't want you to pay for everything I want, Zaynie," I rolled my eyes playfully. "Here." I handed him the money and he slowly took it, handing me a ticket.

"I wish I could guide you around."

"No need," I smiled. "I've been here before, I can manage."

"Okay baby, holler if anything." He winked before going back to what he was doing.



After I was done going twice around the museum Zayn was done with his shift and we had gone to mine. We were now laying down together and when I said I teased his from afar, oh did I tease him.

"You know what's not fair?" He asked, pulling me close.

"Hm?" I rested my head on his chest.

"You teasing me." He rolled so he laid on top of me. I laughed and looked up at him.


He raised an eyebrow. "Oops?"


"You're wrong."

He started kissing up my neck and nibbling on it making me squirm. I was trying not to laugh but it also felt good so the sounds that came out were half laugh half groan. Not attractive at all.

"Z-Zee stop." I laughed then grunted.

"Nope." He mumbled.

He kisses right under my jaw and that's when my back arched and a moan escaped my lips. I gasped and blushed embarrassed, this wasn't supposed to happen, right?

He smirked. "Well well well, look at what I've found." He sucked on it harshly, my breathing came out in soft puffs as my fingers tangled in his hair. I loved his soft hair.

"Zayn." I half moaned, I bit my lip and opened my eyes. If he didn't stop someone would come out of nowhere and poke him. I didn't want that so I gently pushed him away and just buried my face on my pillow.

"Aw is someone getting excited?" He poked my side, which it would've been me but with little junior.

"Zayn ykwlwn nskw fuwiw." I mumbled.

"See, I only got my name, princess." He chuckled.

I moved my face away from the pillow and looked at him. "I said, Zayn you're not funny." I pouted.

He smiled and pulled me close. "I know baby, but I like teasing ya." He pecked my lips sweetly before admiring me, making me blush.

"For the trip, what will we do when we get on the yacht?" I blushed. Come to think of it, he could have his own driver, or something like that.

"I can set it on course we don't have to touch it. We don't need a driver babe, if that's what you're worried about." He winked. I rolled my eyes playfully and smacked his arm softly.

"Stop it. You're up here," I put my hand up then brought it down. "You need to be down here, with me."

I knew he would make a smart remark about what I just said so I put my index on his lips, making him laugh. "Sh, no need for a back comment."

He stayed quiet and I chuckled. He's so hot, and cute. Absolutely hot and cute.

"Well thank you," He smirked. "You're quite sexy and adorable if I say so myself."

I blushed. I did not mean to say that out loud.

"Anyways," I cleared my throat. "It needs to be Sunday already so we can depart to our amazing adventure."

He smiled. "I can't wait for that, it's gonna rock. Like the yacht." He snickered. I guess I was rubbing up on him.

"Babe? That was horrible." I laughed.

He smirked. "I got it from you."

"No, you got the- yeah you right." I mumbled.

"Aw, my princess is sad." He hugged me.

"Stop calling me that.." I whined.

"But no, haha, I can do no such thing!" He kisses my face, making goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Zaynie!" I giggled, too much.

"Okay," he stopped and smiled. "Okay. Done, no more." He kissed me.

I kissed back in an instant and wrapped my arms around his neck not letting him pull back anytime soon. The kisses we shared were always breath taking and I didn't want it to be over, I wanted to cherish them.

He pulled away a little, reluctantly, and looked me in the eye. "Harry, you're the most amazing guy I've ever met."

I blushed and smiled. "You're amazing, very amazing." I nuzzled my face against his neck and pecked it.

He exhaled, running his fingers through my hair.

"Sunday we depart."

A/n: hey guys! guess who's birthday is tomorrow... YEAH MINE FINALLY! (17 woop!) but anyways!

this book is reaching its end! can you guys believe it? 😱 I mean yeah like 15 more chapters but indeed almost the end!

QOTC: have you guys read my coming soon? made in the A.M.? 😁

love you all!!!


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