44. Dream Boy

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•[Not Edited]•

Zayn's POV ( *wink wink* )

He looked at me with the most beautiful dimpled grin I've ever seen and I fell for him more than I thought I ever would. I pulled him in for a kiss, not caring how awkwardly he positioned himself in my arms.

I maneuvered us to lay flat on his bed, him on the bottom and I on the top. Like he's the princess and I'm the prince, he's my baby, and I'm his daddy. My lips moved down to his jaw and neck and lower where his collarbone is, I left a love bite there loving the way he bit his lip.

I pulled his shirt off and kissed down just to lick him back up above his bellybutton. He shivered and took shaky breaths. "Off?" I teased, tugging on his skinny jeans that fitted his amazing legs perfectly.

"Yes. Off." He breathed, trying to tug them off. I chuckled and helped him off of them. His motion was quick and now I was back up to his face, kissing him hard. Our tongues battled for dominance but I won, or he let me win. Whichever it was, I had him moaning lightly, it was a beautiful sound. My member twitched at the sound and all I wanted to do was ravish him.

He helped me tug my clothes off and next thing I knew I was grinding down on him and he was a moaning mess but I muffled them with my lips. I got the lube from his drawer and applied it on my cock.

I got some more on my fingers and inserted them in him hole. His breath caught in his throat by the strangled sound that came out of it. He moved up and down on my fingers, propping himself open. I bit my lip thinking this was the hottest sight and thing I've ever seen.

I pulled my fingers up lining myself up against his entrance. "You seem ready." I whispered against his ear, nibbling lightly on his earlobe.

"Mhm." He wrapped his legs around my waist.

"Whenever you're ready baby." I smirked, trailing my hands down his toned skinny body. He was so perfect, and having him in every way meant everything to me. He gave himself to me three months ago and it was perfect.

"I've been ready, like you said I was." He bucked his hips and pulled my face up by my hair to kiss me roughly. I moaned onto his lips, loving the way he was dominating the kiss. I pushed inside him and thrusted my hips teasingly slow for the both of us. He tugged on my roots telling me to go faster, I moaned. I knew it was driving him mad because of the constant squirming and I myself was getting frustrated. So I picked up the pace and thrusted deeper into my needy boyfriend.

His hands trailed down my back and dug down onto my skin with his nails. I let a groan escape my lips as I felt the fire cursing through every vein in my body, his lips on my neck to keep from moaning to loud had my head spinning and it suddenly got really hot. The swear forming along my hairline and chest was not helping, all I did was thrust harder as I picked up the pace.

His breaths came out in uneven puffs and the kissing he had initiated had subsided once I hit his prostate over and over again. He let out small whines telling me he was close and to keep going, I did as told and grabbed onto the headboard to pound on him harder, my mouth fell agape at the delicious sensation of the tightening of his hole around my cock. He swallowed and grunted at the same time almost sounding as he was chocking, I bit my lip before moaning and nuzzled my face on the crook of his neck.

Harry had come all over our chests and that caused me to release right after. I rode us out of our orgasm and pulled out. "Good?" I breathed as I laid next to him. He nodded slowly, cuddling on me.

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