29. Al Caliente

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

One more week. One more week of school and we're finally and officially done with high school! Graduation is that same week, Saturday to be exact and I'm so excited that Zayn is obviously attending. It would've been perfect if he was my boyfriend and we kissed when I came back from getting my diploma, hashtag goals.

"Uh Harry, why are my eyes so small?"

"Because that's how small your dick is." I stifled a laugh and Liam punched my arm.

"Hey!" I pouted.

"Very mature of you Harry, very mature." He smirked.

"Oh look who's talking, the one who punched me! Very mature Liam." I rolled my eyes playfully and erased his eyes, making then bigger and puppy like, just like he wanted it.

"Thank you, much better. Now he's- well me, I'm better looking." He made a pose for a few seconds then laughed. I chuckled at his childishness and shook my head.

"Niall somehow adores this part of you, annoying brat." I joked.

"Do I need to flip the tables and punch you again?" He raised his fist and I cowered away, falling off my chair.

"It's a joke!.. I'm gonna tell Zayn." I pouted.

"Hah! You can't now, he got a job now." He stuck his tongue out and I huffed. Zayn took a simple part-time job as a front desk assistant at the museum, beats me why. He gets well paid though, nine dollars an hour.

"Whatever, I can text him and he can answer when he can." I shrugged and sat on my bed.

"Whatever," he chuckled. "Hey has he seen his nude drawing you made?" Liam laughed.

I rolled my eyes annoyed and huffed. "Of course not Liam."

"I would show Niall if I did." He snickered.

"Well I'm not you and Zayn isn't Niall so," I shrugged. "That's out of the question."

"Fine fine, have you decided what you want to do yet? After graduation?"

"Well I'm taking a year off so I can travel with Zayn and then I think I'll get into art and music." I nodded.

"Aw, that's sweet. And your major and minor?"

"Major is art, minor is music. I think it would be perfect."

"You.. music?"

"What? I'm gonna learn how to play piano and such, not a bad idea at all."

"And when will that be? Because according to what you just said, you're taking a year off to travel."

That made me think for a bit, he was right. I couldn't pursue that as a minor. I frowned.

"Unless Zayn and I stop traveling half the year?"

"Harry, half of the year won't be enough unless you practice a lot and hard."

I groaned. "Why is life so complicated?!"

He chuckled. "You know how to play the basics, does Zayn know that?"

I shook my head. "I haven't showed him yet, but it's just basics so." I shrugged.

"You should, he'll fall in love with you more."


"Have you not seen his heart eyes? And not to mention yours," he laughed. "Two love birds I say."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes. "You really think I should show him?"

"Well of course! I hear marriage bells going off," he chuckled. "Anyways, for real, show him soon. Even after graduation when you sleep together and such, like 50 shades of gray."

Smooth. He knew I read that, but for him to remember? Beats me. I mean, it's not actually a book you can just forget about because.. come on, a book like that? Oh well, too much information.

"Wait sleep together after graduation?! Are you out of your mind?" My eyes widened, he's too ahead of himself, even myself.

"Well why not? You guys love each other no? So take the loving chance." He winked.

I shook my head and got up, I punched his arm and went into my closet. I was gonna hang out with Zayn soon and I needed to look and smell good.

"Now out, I have a date."

"Another one?"

"Another one."

"Another one." He shook his head.

"Shut up, I know what you're doing." I laughed lightly and took the clothes I'd wear out and placed them on my bed.

"Fine, I'm out, like Don King Kong." He stifled a laugh. I face palmed, why does he watch this crap?

"Liam. Out." I mumbled.

"Pleasure beauty styles." He laughed and left, closing the door behind him. I laughed lightly myself and went to the bathroom to shower. In all honesty I didn't even smell bad but you don't know if Zayn could smell a flaw on me so I needed this shower.

It took me about twenty minutes to get ready just because my hair didn't want to cooperate. I sprayed a bit of cologne and sniffed myself to make sure it was the right amount. Sure enough it was and by the time I finished brushing my teeth the doorbell had rung indicating he was here.

I quickly ran down the steps and straightened myself out before opening the door. The love of my life was on the other side and I needed to act like a dude, not a chick. Of course I'm the girl here, sadly, but I still had my dignity. I opened the door to be greeted by the most beautiful man in this earth, well every other planet too but you know, let's give props to the parents over there.

"Good evening, beautiful." He checked me out smiling and put his hand out signaling me to take the rose. One rose. White, to be more specific.

"Hi handsome." I blushed and took the beautiful rose, I gladly went and put it in a vase and came back .

"Ready to go?" He smiled.

"Ready as ever." I smiled wide.

He held his hand out formally and I took it, he placed a soft kiss on my knuckles causing my heart to flutter. He just knew what he had to do to make me go all crazy inside.

He lead us out to his sport car and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Where are we going?"

"Well dinner of course, to a fancy place called Al Caliente, like you." He winked. I didn't even know what that meant so I just smiled at him like I knew.

"Hot Haz, hot." He laughed and closed my door after I got in. I laughed embarrassedly and put on the seatbelt. Always be safe kids.

Right after he got in, started the car, and sped off. Safety of course or else I would've yelled at him because we're just that close now. We're like best friends and almost lovers, what best combo?

A/n: haha uh I have no explanation for double update but you guys deserved it. 😉 Anyways this was uh well I guess fun and fluffy aha, just like you guys like it. XD

QOTC: what do you think will happen in this date?

dedicated to EnglishIrishFreaks  and @Black_Roses32 for voting and commenting first
:3 thank you girls! 💘


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