39. Over Breakfast

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

4 months later.

"Baby, wake up." Zayn gently shook me out of my beauty sleep. I groaned lightly, turning away and giving him my back. He laughed softly and repeated the same words.

"No." I mumbled sleepily.

These four months have been nothing but fun and adventurous and also tiring. I just didn't want to wake up from the soft motion the yacht had and the comfortable bed I was laid on.

"Why not? It's like," I felt the bed move and then a dip. "It's 2:00 pm, please wake up." I heard the whine in his voice and a smile tugged on my lips.

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with his stunning hazel ones. " 'm up." I chuckled.

"When do we get to our destination?" I asked once I sat up close to him.

"Another day to go, but don't worry I got things planned." He smiled.

"Should I be afraid because we're in a yacht and not able to go anywhere but here?"

"Well, where is here for you?"

"Uh, the yacht?"

"Honest?" He chuckled. I blushed and nodded, it's not like I'm thinking about the bed.

"Mhm..." He poked my side which caused me to jump out of his reach.

"Stop that Zee!" I shouted with a smile.

"C'mere babe!" He extended his arms for me and pouted.

I rolled my eyes, giving in. I slowly sat on his lap, straddling him and hugged him. I liked being this close to him, he was always warm.

"You know, you're the best boyfriend ever. And I would've have it any other way or change it any type of way. You're exactly what I want and what I need." Zayn nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck and my heart fluttered at his words. I found the best man I thought I would never find. He's honestly my love and my everything, I don't know what I would do without him.

"I love you." I whispered.

I felt him smile against my skin. "I love you, Harry." He mumbled, causing me to shiver. If he didn't pull away soon I would get very excited and even though this was completely romantic it would turn to something more erotic in a matter of seconds.

"Zayn.. L-let's eat."

"Now you're hungry baby?" He looked up at me. I smiled and nodded, relaxing a little now that he wasn't mumbling against my skin.

"Fine, I'll feed you, and then we're cuddling again." He stated. I reluctantly pulled away and pressed my back against the bed again.

"Breakfast in bed it is then." He chuckled and left to cook me breakfast. In a way I felt bad for letting him make me breakfast but then again he offered, in a way. And he didn't ask for me to help.

After I kept flipping around the bed to find warmth Zayn called my name from the kitchen. I got up and pulled my sweats on before walking over to him and hugging him from behind.

"Hey, breakfast's ready." He gave me a smile and handed me my plate which I gratefully took. I sat down and waited for him so I could dig in and enjoy my boyfriend's cooking.

"What a gentleman." He smiled as he sat down and ate, me joining him along.

We were quiet for a few minutes before he finally spoke up.

"Can we talk about something... serious?"

I panicked a little, not sure what this was about. I nodded regardless and waited for him to speak up.

"I was wondering how you felt about sex.." He sipped on his orange juice and looked over at me. My cheeks flushed at the question, why would he wonder about that? I know we've been together for a few months now and this is something that couples talk about I suppose but it felt weird hearing it.

"Well..." I started, clearing my throat and sitting up. "I mean, it'd be my first time..." I couldn't help but blush and look down from him. "I don't know if I'm ready but if it came down to it I guess I'd know. Why do you ask? How do you feel?" Now I looked at him and noticed the small smile playing on his lips.

"I think I'm ready but I'll wait for you to be too, I will never force you into it. But if it does come down to it make sure you're ready because I wouldn't want you to regret giving me your virginity," he took my hand in his. "Plus, I love you. So I would take care of you, always." He was always so genuine that maybe, even now that we were talking about it and it came down to it, I'd probably do it. Just because I knew his words were true and that he was true.

"You know I trust you Zee, in every way. If it came down to it, I would not regret a thing. You're my boyfriend baby, and if there's anything I would regret would be if I never dated you. That would be my only regret in life." I kissed his knuckles.

He smiled fondly at me and lifted my chin. "You're the greatest person in my life. You've stayed through thick and thin. And if it came down to doing it, I wouldn't just.. Fuck you but I would show you all I feel and everything we do in bed. How much I appreciate you, how I care about you, and most of all, how I love you."

I teared up like a baby girl and looked down. Why did he have to be so perfect? From all the mistakes we've done before, mostly me, I've landed an amazing guy who sees who I am inside and out and decides to stay, knowing my flaws and insecurities. If you don't have someone who loves you for you, then what do you have? Who do you have?

"I love you so much." I breathed out. My skin felt warm already and it sure wasn't the coffee I was drinking nor the temperature, it was around 74 degrees outside and I felt like I was burning. What has he done to me? It's as if he woke up something in me I didn't even know I had.

"I love you Harry." He slowly got up and walked towards me, grabbing my face between his hands and brushing his soft lips against mine. The moment was slow and perfect and I breathed in this memory. I would draw this, I would draw us. Whatever happened today, right now, would be drawn in my sketchbook and soon, I would show him all of my drawings, from beginning to end. I love him.

A/n: it is spring break for me and this update is for you guys! I really hope this chapter has led you guys to think what will happen next chapter so for you guys who don't like smut, don't read the part!

now as for the voting on the books.. dressed has won! thank you for all of those who commented on it and gave me feedback so I could decide which I'd post first! now some people say top Harry, bottom Zayn, AND some are saying top Zayn, bottom Harry. now, what I can tell you is, there will be surprises in this book, and tragedies. hehe something I left out. ;) but anyways there you have it!

this book is coming to an end :) and just to say it now, there won't be a sequel since this book is not meant to have one. I would say there's either 4-5 more chapters left and then Dressed will begin. and maybe Made in the A.M. too, I'll see.

QOTC: who's excited for next chapter? ;)

love you guys!!


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