4. Doniya

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry POV

"I hear you mom, I do." I pouted. "Please let me stay in though." I didn't want to go to school and much less get out of bed. "I'll tell Liam to bring me the work and whatever else the teachers give, I promise I'll do them." I whined.

"Harry, you're not sick, fatally hurt or dying." Mom crossed her arms and I whined again. "Pleeeeease." I begged.

She sighed. "Not today honey, just not today." I pouted but knew I wouldn't win this even if I begged again. I sighed and nodded understandingly.

Making my way to my closet I quickly changed to my black skinny jeans and a simple white t-shirt. I flipped my hair to the side and ran a hair through it, at least it would look presentable. I ran downstairs after grabbing my school bag and kissed my mom's cheek, I waved her goodbye and walked to school. It's a beautiful day so I thought, why not?

The breeze was somewhat warm but it was pleasant. The sun was brightly shinning and I couldn't help but smile, only one thing was missing though.. Zayn. How can I not think of him? I remember my dream two days ago, it was one of the best and partly the last if I say so myself. He hasn't come yet, not these two days anyway.

I sighed sadly, I wish I could see him everyday I guess I'm having one of those 'weak' moments as I like to call them when I feel like this. Usually it doesn't happen like it's rare but I can't help and feel weak when I haven't seen him. How am I supposed to be happy when everything comes with a prize?

I'm happy that I have Zayn, I have him wrapped around my finger like he has me wrapped around his. And you guessed it, he's in my dream, that's the prize. The horrible, terrible prize.

I walked though the double doors inside the school and made my way to my locker where Liam was waiting, I didn't see it earlier but Niall was chatting with him. Interesting, I suppose the date went as planned. Good for them.

"Hey Haz!" Liam chirped. "Sup?" I opened my locker with a small sigh.
"Oh no, what's wrong?" Liam replied concerned. I just shook my head not wanting to explain myself, even if he was my best friend he was better off not knowing.

"Okay.." He mumbled disappointedly. I gave him a crooked smile and closed my locker after getting what I needed. "Sorry mate, I'm just not in the mood to explain my feelings, you know? Anyway, how was your date?" I smiled and looked over at Niall who was blushing.

"It was great." Liam sighed dreamingly. Niall gave Liam a hug and told him he'd see him later. Liam looked at Niall go off and smiled back at me. "Really great."

"Well, what are you guys now?" I smirked. He chuckled, "Close." That's all he said before patting my back and walking to class. I mean, that was a great answer to be honest, I couldn't compete with that.

"Harry?" A familiar feminine voice spoke. I turned around to look at familiar chocolaty eyes. "Doniya, hey!" I smiled. For some reason she reminded me so much of him.

"Hey! How are you? How you been?" She quickly hugged me and pulled away. I smiled warmly at her, "I've been good, you?"

"Good. It's so good to finally see you at school, so different," She smiled. "I just remembered that you looked familiar and it's because we have a class together. Can we maybe hang out after school?" She asked looking hopeful.

"Of course," I smiled. "And it's history isn't it?" She smiled. "Yes it is," She giggled. "Well see you then!" She waved and went straight to her first period. I smiled to myself and went straight to class as well. At least I got someone who physically looks like him.


"Later!" I waved at Liam after telling him I was going to hang out with Doniya. At first he was teasing me on how fast I turned straight but after I teased him about Niall he stopped, right after I punched him.

I was now walking with her in the park just chatting away with our interests. "So love life?" She smirked at me. "Well it's complicated." I shrugged not really wanting to get into that topic, she would think I'm crazy or need some type of mental help. It would be ironic if I say so myself, how I want to be a psychologist yet I'm saying to myself I need some type of mental help. Which I don't.

"Nothing is complicated," She smiled. "You just have to talk it through, let someone help. When you say it's complicated it's because you're stuck, are you stuck Harry?" She looked over at me. I was stunned to say the less, it's like she knew something that I didn't.

"I-I," What should I exactly say to her? That I'm stuck, lost, wanting something I can't physically have? Or more like someone? "I mean.. I guess you could say that." I chuckled shyly.

"It's okay, happens to the best of us." She shrugged nonchalantly. I don't know what she meant by that but I sure was curious. I mean she could be stuck herself right? Or maybe someone she knew?

"I guess it does." Was my last reply.

It didn't take long for us to get tired of walking so we found a bench and sat down. "Would you say you've lived?" She asked out of nowhere. I looked at her confused by that question. "Well we have 50 more years to live or so, but we still have time to live," but I knew that wasn't the answer she was looking for so I gave her my honest one. "But I don't think I have, at least not yet." I looked back over at her and smiled. "Why?"

She just shrugged and played with the tips of her hair. "I don't know, I suppose not one of us have really. It's hard enough to go travel when you still live with your parents, it's hard enough to break a rule when there's enforcement, and it's hard enough being you and doing you when society is there to judge you." I breathed out because wow, I never thought I would meet a girl who would think that way. Just maybe.. she wasn't the only one?

"My brother told me that two years ago before he moved just last year. I kept thinking about it and he was right, he always is." She mentioned her brother and I was curious about her again. "Your brother sounds wise, how old is he?"

"19," She smiled. "He's very wise, at least I think so. I admire him." That made me smile, admiring a family member.. Who wouldn't if that person was special, wise, admirable?

"Well, for his age at least he sounds very wise. Where is he now?" I asked. She was very interesting.

"He's traveling, as been for the past three years when he moved, said he wanted to live, be out there." She smiled. I hummed in response, he sounds adventurous, I like adventures.

"He's coming back though in a few weeks, I can't wait to see him.. Would you like to meet him?" Her eyes shone, I guess she really admires him after all.

"I would like that."

It's a cliffhanger (kinda) for a reason! A very good reason so don't.. do anything to me aha.

I know I said 10 days or whatever but come on, It's Sunday lol.

Anyways what did you think of this chapter?? Let me know in the comments ~(•3•)~

Stay fab guys 👑

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