11. Picture perfect

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

"Mom can you please not embarrass me when Zayn comes back?" I huffed. I knew she would find some way to embarrass me and make me look like a fool. Yes, I loved my mother but she could get on my nerves sometimes. Zayn had left after a small chat because he had to 'look presentable' even though he already looked more than beautiful and perfect.

"Harry, for the last time, I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your last crush just.. chill out." She sighed but yet managed to give me a small smile to calm my nerves down. Why was I so nervous? Because Zayn and I go way back. (In my dreams at least).

I huffed. "He was the first and last crush I brought for a while so please, Zayn is different.. I know he won't make me upset over what you tell him and stuff but keep your motherly vibe at a minimum."

"Where has my baby boy gone." I heard her mumble under her breath as she shook her head and continued on cooking dinner.

I chuckled and shook my head as well, I'm right here just grown up that is. I looked over at the time and paced back and forth just waiting for either that knock, text, or doorbell. A few minutes passed and nothing so I started getting worried, what if something happened to him? Should I call him? Maybe he's busy and forgot to tell me, that would be heartbreaking, just as I was about to name something else the doorbell rung. I slowly walked over to the door and looked through the peephole, Zayn.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to be greeted with him being well dressed and with a few things in hand.

"These are for you." He smiled and handed me a box of chocolates and a single white rose. It was beautiful just like his heart and soul.

"T-thanks Zee, come on in." I took the things he handed me and made sure to put the rose in a vase. He came in after me and handed my mom a dozen roses. He was the sweetest, how can I not like him?

"Thank you darling, this is very sweet of you." She ginned from ear to ear and gave him a tight hug. He chuckled and hugged her back gently, what a gentleman.

"You're welcome Ms. Cox." He smiled.

"Please, have a sit the food will be ready in no time." My mother patted the seat and put her roses with my single beautiful white rose. I do wonder why he only gave me one though, not that I'm complaining but I am curious.

Zayn took a sit next to me and I smiled at him, he rested his hand on my thigh and I blushed. He gave a light chuckle before squeezing my thigh gently. He will be the death of me, that's for sure.

"So Zayn, what do you do for a living?" My mom asked placing the plates in front of us. I started chewing on my bottom lip nervously and looked over at him.

"I'm currently just traveling around the world but once I settle down I would really like to either be an art teacher or something with art." He smiled.

"That sounds amazing, I hope for the best," She smiled and sat down across from him. "And what are you planning to do tomorrow? If I may ask." She started eating.

"Thanks you Ms. Cox, I appreciate that." He gave her that toothy grin and I would say I liked him even more.

"You're very welcome, Zayn," she smiled and looked over at me knowingly. "You're welcomed here anytime you want."

"Thank you," he smiled and looked over at me too and mouthed a 'thanks'. It made my heart flutter and my stomach go wild with butterflies.


A few hours had passed since dinner and Zayn had left already. My mom told me she liked him and that he was a very sweet boy, I of course was happier than ever but I realized that not only had my mom finally accepted someone for me but Zayn loved my mom too, it was the greatest thing ever.

To Harry: Love your freshman and senior picture Harry. ;)

To Zayn: What? 0.0 you have my pictures?..

To Harry: Yes ;) *sends freshman and senior pictures*

To Zayn: 😳 Oh... Mom -.- Did she give them to you? I'm gonna.. Ughh! Zaynnnn nooo, can you pretty please burn them? 😅

To Harry: Call me. 😂

So that's what I did.


"Zee.. C'mon don't be like that, how did you even take them without me noticing?" I laughed embarrassedly.

"Magic," I could feel his smirk through the phone. "Plus, I'm a very sneaky guy. I'm gonna keep them Haz, nothing you say will make me get rid of them or return them." He chuckled.

"Fine, but you owe me one." I smirked.

"Owe you what?" He laughed.

"One of your high school pictures, preferably senior since we wear tuxes.. And I bet you looked pretty nice in that." I was a bit taken aback by my own words but truth be told he might've looked hella fine.

"Okay Haz, a senior picture it is. I'll give it to you, say, tomorrow at 3?"

"Sounds fine to me... is it a date in a weird time?..." I blushed really wanting it to be a date. If it wasn't then I would hang up and hide my face for a year until I get the guts to ask again.

"It's a date."


A/n: Alright! Here's the update you guys! So now Zayn met Harry's mom :) (I will edit Anne's name if you guys tell me that it's Mrs. Styles, I will, I just wasn't sure so I put it as her last name). But what a sweet for Zayn to bring roses right? Haha yeah.

So I'm writing another story called 'The Kill' it's a Ziam/Zarry but it WILL BE mostly Zarry. (I have no clue why I'm writing mostly Zarry now but no worries I have other ideas that are Harry AU, Liam AU, Zayn AU, etc.). So you guys let me know if you're interested in at least reading a prologue and I'll keep it in hold if you guys like it! If not I'll forget I even mentioned it :)

QOTC: What do you think Zayn is doing with the single roses? ;) (and no Zarry kiss here but.. We're getting close to that!)

Thank you guys for all the support! Much love. xx


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