28. Joyous

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

Warning sexual context ahead. (if you don't like it, don't read it. I'll put stars to show when it's over).

"O-okay." I bit my lip.

"Mm," he looked up at me and smirked. "Yes or no Haz, don't give me those types of answers."

I covered my face embarrassedly and nodded. I suddenly felt him tug at my shorts and I removed my hands from my face.

"Harry, yes or no?" He palmed me through the fabric and I let out a throaty moan.

"Y-yeah, Zayn, please." I begged. He was driving me crazy, everywhere he touched it was fire, it felt good.

He gave me one last smirk before pulling my shorts and briefs off in one swift. I widened my eyes at his want and bit my lip roughly, sure it'll bleed of bruise sooner or later. I took a hold of my pillow and took heavy breaths already feeling the sensation of what was about to happen. Zayn looked up at me for assurance one more time and I gave him a quick slight nod. That put him to work. He first teased my tip, knowing exactly what he was doing. I shut my eyes tightly as small whimpers left my mouth, he needed to stop.

After he was done enjoying my squirming he took my length and sucked it in his mouth causing me to moan. I blushed slightly knowing he'd tease me about it later, and if he didn't then it would come sooner than later when he needs something. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the hollowing of his cheeks and the bob of his head, it was driving me insane, the blood moved from my whole body causing my member to throb with need. I whimpered a 'please', wanting nothing but more friction between his mouth and my length.

He looked up at me, trying to look innocent but he failed miserably once his smirk returned to his lips. The way his lips molded around me caused me to buck my hips, he gladly took me in more and sucked harder and faster, leaving me breathless and hot.

A loud moan left my lips as I felt the tingles become more frequent and I knew I couldn't hold on anymore, I tugged at Zayn's hair to signal him to stop but he just continued. I squirmed in place and took heavy breaths. "Z-Zayn I'm- fuck- Zee stop." I breathed.

He just looked up at me and shook his head, he hummed softly as if telling me to go, and by the vibration of his voice I came undone in his mouth. I was embarrassed to say the least but it felt amazing at the same time.


"How was it?" He licked his lips. I was still coming down from my high as I smiled loop sidedly at him.

I sighed calmly. "A-amazing, more than amazing." I mumbled and blushed. I can't believe I let him do this but then again I wanted it and I'm sure he wanted it as well. At the moment I didn't see why not so I let him, and I didn't regret it at all.

"Good." He smiled his heartwarming smile that caused my knees to buck and wobble until I was nothing but mud on the floor.

"I feel like I owe you it." I sat up.

"Absolutely not Harry, I did this for you because I wanted to, you don't have to feel obligated to because of what I did. It was my choice and you gave me consent." He fixed my hair and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I scrunched my nose up knowing exactly were those lips were but then laughed lightly at my stupidity, it was my own scent anyway.

"If you say so, but don't be forcing me when you feel like I actually owe you." I teased.

"Never," He chuckled. "I'll wait until you're ready."

I really appreciated what he was saying and how he meant every word. Zayn was something else, and I'm glad it's a good something else.

"Thank you Zee." I smiled and kissed him, sadly tasting myself but I think Zayn found it kinda hot since I felt something poke my thigh. I pulled away and looked at him, smirking.

"What?" He chuckled.

"You know what," I smiled. "Someone's excited, but why?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"No reason, no reason at all.." He winked. "Better unlock the door before your mum questions it."

I rolled my eyes playfully but knew he was right so I did as he said and unlocked the door after putting my underwear and shorts on. I laid back down next to him and cuddles close to his warm body. Today couldn't have gone more perfect, it was honestly one of the best days, blow job or not. Having him here with me was a million and more times better than anything like this, I liked- loved, I loved our intimate moments which weren't much but I still adored them, they were great. He would always let me be and not force me into anything and I couldn't be more grateful. Each day I would fall more for him and it was getting to the point I wanted us to be official but yet I didn't like to rush.

"What's going on in your head?" He kissed my temple. I blushed lightly and looked at him.

"Just thinking about a few things, don't ask." I smiled. If he asked I would either have to tell him or make up a fib, none of which I wanted to do of course.

"Are you happy Zayn?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Happy?" He shook his head. "I'm joyous Harry, I haven't felt this extreme happiness and warmness in so long, having you this close to me and having you in my life is just so much better than anything in the world Haz, you don't understand just how happy you make me." He sighed happily, taking a glance at me.

I blushed. He knew the right words to say, what he didn't know was that I was feeling the complete same. By Zayn saying that it just proved so much since our last argument, we've grown so much stronger from that. I'm looking forward for that trip with Zayn, it would really mean everything to me.

"Well Zee, you're not the only one." I looked at him happily.

"Mutual." He pulled my face close to his and locked our lips in a soft and passionate kiss.

A/n: how did you guys feel about this chapter?! *sinks in holy water, comes back up* I'm not that ashamed since I wrote something like this in my other book. 😅😂 I hope you guys liked it though!

Guys I went to a church lock-in, I'm a young apostle for the youth (kind of a leader) and I had the best 2 days ever! even though I slept on the floor and got hella cold, I loved it! I even went up in front of everyone and did a talk for the confirmation kids when the retreat for them comes! even if I had an anxiety attack for opening up about how I've been dealing with a lot of struggles and mistakes, it all went so well and they're my family. I love them so much. they were there for me and understand me and just ugh, it was great! sorry for the rant!

QOTC: how are you guys? c:


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