34. Graduation

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

Graduation was indeed today. We were all sat alphabetically and Liam wasn't that far behind me thankfully but his boyfriend was a few rows ahead of us. My dear Zayn was sat somewhere unknown since he forgot to text me. It was okay though since he promised me that he would come and knowing Doniya was here, I knew he was here.

"Pssst!" I called over to her.

She seemed to be looking around until her eyes landed on mine and they locked. She gave me a bright smile and waved. I waved back and mouthed her 'Zayn'. She got what I said right away and smirked.

"He's on your side!" She said pointing towards my side. I quickly spun to look for him but failed miserably. I wonder if they came separate and she thought he was here already, I sighed. What a whiplash.

"Hey, I'm sure he'll be here." Liam said from the row behind me. Thing is my school had less S's as last names but more N's and H's and G's.

"Yeah.. Just looking for him."

"You'll see him soon enough, don't sweat it." Liam gave me thumbs up and smiled. I chuckled, so close to being out and he's still childish. I like that though, I don't want to grow up just yet.

Once everyone was set and everyone was here the ceremony started and my palms began to sweat. As time progressed the teachers and assistant principals gave small speeches and lastly the principal. Then they started calling the names.

One by one each row would leave and go up the stage to get their diploma, have a picture taken, and sit back down. When the row in front of me got up and went ahead to the stage, my leg began to bounce. I was a nervous wreck. This was really it.

"Hey, you can do it." Liam smiled brightly, he knew me so well. I was so glad Liam and I became best friends and I knew he would stick around for a long time.

My row got up getting me off guard but I quickly got up and followed the guy in front of me to the stage. Each name was being called and I found myself looking on the side I was seated for the guy I've been falling for. As my eyes scanned each row I saw a hand movement but my name got called and I shifted my eyes back to the stage to the principal.

"Harry Styles, graduating with honors, full ride scholarship to Arts Of London University."

I blushed madly at the recognition even though everyone was getting one. I stepped up into the stage and shook everyone's hand before grabbing my diploma and shaking the principals hand. Once that was over I walked off to get my picture taken and before I knew it I was back in my seat. My eyes wandered off once again and that's when I saw them. Those beautiful, breath taking golden eyes. They were staring back at me, smiling, and my heart fluttered. There he was.

I examined his face and I saw his famous smile, the one I deeply loved. I smiled brightly back at him and waved. He looked stunning with that suit. He dressed up really nice, he didn't have to but he did. And he looked more than amazing.

My eyes slowly focused back to the name calling, hand shaking, and photo taking before it was soon all over with and the valedictorian did her speech.



"My baby's finally done!" My mum hugged me tight and kissed my face. I groaned embarrassedly but let it be since she gave birth to me. Okay I'm kidding, I love my mum but Zayn was here and this was not okay. Once my mom pulled away and stopped crying from happiness Gemma came up and gave me a tight hug herself. I grunted by laughed either way, I loved my ladies very much.

"I'm glad you could make it Gem." I smiled.

"Of course silly! I wouldn't miss your graduation for the world." She kissed my cheek and took a picture of me in my hat and gown.

"Thanks." I chuckled. I looked around for a styled jet black hair but saw no sign of it. I huffed out in frustration and started to walk off.

"Oh!" Liam pulled me to his side and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Finally out and done! 4 or 8 more years to go though," he laughed. "Seen your man yet?"

I blushed. "He's not my man yet Liam, and I can't believe this is it either but I'm enthusiastic about college."

He chuckled. "You just wait." And with that he left to hug and kiss up on his own boyfriend. I chuckled and shook my head trying to get me some myself. You know, nothing inappropriate.

"Look who's finally out." I heard his beautiful voice.

"Zayn." I breathed, turning around and throwing myself into his arms. He laughed loudly and spun me around taking a hold of my face and kissing me deeply on the lips. I melted right into it and put my hands behind his neck.

A few flashes crossed my shut eyes and I quickly pulled away to look for the disruptive source. The mothers. I groaned and covered my face.

"Look at the two love birds! I got the picture I won't bother again you can keep going." My mum put her camera and phone away and giggled. I rolled my eyes playfully before shaking my head.

"Thanks mum."

"Couldn't agree more Anne." Zayn's mom laughed putting her own phone and camera away.

"Mum," Zayn groaned. "I was busy and having a moment here."

They laughed. "Clearly. We'll let you boys be. Please take care of my baby boy Zayn, you're responsible now."

"I'll take great care of him Mrs. Styles, I promise." He kissed my cheek sweetly. I smiled widely at him and hugged him tight.

"And you Harry, take care of my son, he needs well support too." Mrs. Malik added. I nodded and smiled.

"My pleasure." It was my turn to kiss his cheek.

"And please, call me Anne, Zayn. No formality, since you guys are what you are, you're family." And with that my mom left us alone.

"Same to you Harry, call me Trisha." She smiled and parted ways.

"I guess we're something." I chuckled softly looking back at him with bright eyes.

"That's what I was gonna ask you." He smiled.

I bit my lip trying to hold my smile for a while longer.

"Harry?" He took my hand and kissed my knuckles softly.

"Hm?" I breathed out from the touches and kisses he left.

"Will you make me the honor... To be my boyfriend?"

I looked at him and a big smile broke from my lips.

"Yes. Of course. Absolutely!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his harder than usual but it was a great kiss nonetheless.

A/n: guys!! they're finally together! 😍🙏🏼 feel the love guys, feel it. lmao okay I'm just idk yup! anyways! wanna dedicate this chapter to Fireproof_Zarry areeba_stylik StyLinRanLikYne @HeshcaKim and Mrsdenisemalik ! all of you are amazing! I love you guys!

Also! Some of you guys DID check my new book that I have planned to continue after I'm done with this book and hopefully half way done with the kill. Idk what to do about Another World tbh but I'll see. PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MADE IN THE A.M.!!

anyways I love you guys and I hope you like this chapter!

QOTC: what are you guys crushes out of the 1D guys? lol mine is Kian Lawley at the moment 😍♥️


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