41. Phone Call

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•[Not Edited]•

Harry's POV

1 week later

"Ireland is amazing." I laid back on the hotel bed as my eyes continued wandering around the four walls.

"I'm glad you liked it." Zayn said lying next to me. I cuddled close to his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent. Even after so long, he had not stopped smoking and I knew I couldn't help him but I still tried. And even then, he made it smell amazing with the mix of his cologne and aftershave.

"I love it. Thank you." I smiled gratefully. This past 3 months have been amazing. Very adventurous, even in bed. We tried everything and without a lie, shower sex was pretty extraordinary experience.

"We'll explore later, I know you're tired," he rubbed his hand down my side and smiled when I shivered. He knew my spots. "Rest."

"'M not that tired.." I mumbled against his skin, ever since we had sex all I did was crave it. Now I see what people said about doing it for the first time and wanting it after. Zayn knew, too, he would never deny me a fuck. As funny as it sounds, it was always a lovely intimate moment we shared.

"What's on your mind?" He gave me a knowing look and I blushed. Why could he read me so well? In a way I adored it but in another I extremely disliked it.

"Stop, you shouldn't try to read me babe." I turned my back to him and huffed. I was not mad but this reading cycle could get annoying.

"I'm not, promise.." He slipped his hand in my jeans and took a hold of my length, making me gasp. I tried pushing his had away but it wouldn't budge so I let it be and bit my lip. I could already feel myself hardening at his simple touch.

"Baby..." I whined. I don't know if I wanted him to touch me or let me go. My own whine confused me but he seemed so know as he started stroking me slow. He teased, rubbing my tip, making my hips jerk once in a while and my breathing coming uneven as he wiped the pre-cum from my tip. Why was he so skilled on this? On me?

He knew my body more than myself and in a way it was scary but I loved him, and I trusted him. His hand moved faster on my shaft and I moaned quietly as I buried my face on the pillow. His hand worked wonders everywhere he placed them on me, I loved it. His body pressed against my back and I could feel his own boner on my lower back which was hot.

"Ah.." My moaned sounded muffled because of the pillow but the pleasure was prominent as he quickened his pace and tightened his grip on my manhood causing my hips to jerk once more and come undone on his hand and in my boxers. He pulled his hand back and licked the cum from his hand, I blushed deeply. I was yet accustomed to seeing him do that but it was also just as hot as his boner pressing against my back.

"Do you need help?" I half panted. I was still high from previous actions.

"If you want." He ran his clean hand thorough my hair.

"I do."



"I have to call my mum." I mumbled before laying back on the greenest grass.

"So call her." Zayn chuckled.

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