23. We Feel The Same

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Harry's POV

To Zayn: Yes.

I took a deep breath and set my phone down. I'm willing to give him another chance because after all, it wasn't completely his fault. His dad, Louis, and grandparents played a huge part in this.


"Yes mum?"

"Are you alright?" She looked at me concerned.

"I am, why do you ask?" I mumbled.

She sighed. "I know I'm late but I noticed the way you were down this past few weeks, months even. And I wasn't there for you as a mother and I feel terrible for failing you like that."

I shook my head and hugged her tightly. I missed her of course, she had been working nonstop to support us and I don't blame her.

"It's alright mum, I'm much much better now. Liam and Niall helped me." I assured her.


"Yes. Liam's like crush or boyfriend, I'm not sure. I haven't really had time to check." I confessed.

"That's alright darling, as long as you're okay now I won't worry." She kissed my head and pulled away.

"Thanks mum." I smiled.

She smiled and left the room, closing the door behind herself. I picked my phone back up and unlocked it, seeing as my phone lighted up a few seconds ago.

To Harry: You won't regret it Harry. I promise.

To Zayn: Don't make promises you can't keep.

To Harry: Wouldn't count on it. I mean that promise Harry.

To Zayn: Okay, then.. Come over? Or..

To Harry: Let me take you out instead. Park and ice cream?

To Zayn: Sounds good to me.

To Harry: Alright, I will let you know when I'm there. Be ready love.

I caught myself smiling at the text and I quickly changed serious again.


I found myself closer to Zayn than I had expected to be, almost like I had missed him too much, which wasn't completely a lie. He noticed my closeness yet he didn't complain, this could be mending us.

"I'm sorry I took long to decide."

"Don't apologize Harry, I understand." He gave me a small smile, that smile I liked.

I returned it with no hesitation and looked straight forward while eating my ice cream.

"Thank you for agreeing to come." He licked his ice cream and I eyed him carefully.


I hummed in response and blushed. "O-oh um, yeah no problem, I wanted to come anyway."

He chuckled lightly and nodded towards the swing.

"Like old times?"

I chuckled. "If you mean separately known each other yet used the swings then yes, like old times."

He smiled. "Of course I meant that."

We both sat next to each other and swung quietly, not too much of course or the ice cream would've fallen on our clothes.

"Have you been drawing lately?" He asked quietly. I looked at him surprised.


"I know you draw I've seen you doodle and stuff."

"I.. No, I haven't, why?" I asked curiously.

"Because I have." He glanced at me before looking away again.

"What have you been drawing?"

"Kind of like.. How I felt those past few weeks." He played with the napkin on his ice cream.

"Will you let me see them?" I asked softly.

He bit his lip nervously and slightly shrugged. And I still admit, it drives me insane when he does that.

"You don't have to of course, I was just asking." I side smiled.

"I would let you it's just that.. I'm afraid." He whispered.


"What you'll think." He frowned.

"My mind hasn't changed about you Zayn, you're still the same guy I met that day Doniya invited me over for dinner. You're still the same shy, inviting, loving boy I met."

He looked over at me with a small crinkle by his eyes, I looked down to his lips to see that smile I've fallen in love with, and yet again I was falling even more.



"Why are you looking at me that way?" He whispered softly.

I blushed knowing exactly what he meant but decided to change the subject.

"It's a lovely day out." I chuckled nervously. I saw an emotion flash in his eyes but I didn't catch it.

"Yeah, it is." He breathed.



"Why do you ask?..."

He looked at me confused before getting what I was asking.

"Your eyes just.. Seemed lighter." He smiled softly.

"When I'm with you.. I get like this, my eyes get like this." I blushed and finished my ice cream.

"Are we doing this too fast Harry?" He looked up to the almost dark sky.

"I think we're not there yet but we're admitting to how we feel." I looked over at him as he finished his ice cream as well.

He looked back at me and smiled. "And why do we do that? If we did that last time?"

"Because we're reassuring ourselves that we still feel the same about one another and that it hasn't changed yet."


"Yet as in more or less. In my case.. I want to say the same to more." I looked at him nervously.

"Then we're in the same page." He smiled.

"It shall stay that way then."

"It shall." He grinned.


A/n: Hello again! So here's the chapter you guys have been waiting for... Idk how long but here it is. :) the first time was a mistake and I apologize! I didn't know it had been updated and instead of pressing 'save' I pressed 'publish'. Sorry!

This chapter is dedicated to jidemudia  for commenting and voting! I think she read my book in about two days? Lol thank you! ^-^ much love. xx

Btw I'm thinking about writing another thriller book but I won't publish it until finishing one of my books. That's for sure. I need help with the name tho! So please comment on the one you think is best.

'Sleep Paralysis'


Please do comment on that!

I love you guys and thank you for all the votes and comments and follows! ♥️


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