Chapter 1 - The Nine Potters

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So like I was going through the stats for DP & the weapon on quotev because for whatever reason I seem to get more views there, and the most viewed chapters are 9, 11, 16, 19, 20, and 24. All the sexiest chapters! And 16 and 20 are the most viewed out of those. You guys really like the smut huh?

Seems like erotica is my forte. And you guys are horny af. Interesting. 😳 anyway -

"So this is it, then."

Harry, Dudley, Megan, Hannah, Sasha, Piers, and I were gathered in the Dursleys' living room while the two Order members were debriefing Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon in the kitchen. In five minutes, they were to all be transported ten miles away where they would Disapparate to a safe house. My friends' families had all been told that they had been selected for overseas internships which were very exclusive and paid lots - and of course none of the families would say no to this once my friends begged.

"I can understand why your Thomas guy -"

"Tom Riddle."

"Right, Tommy - would go after Dudley and all." Piers said, and I sniggered. "But we're just your Moggle friends. Why would he care about us?"

"Because I do." I said. "I care about my 'Moggle' friends. I love you guys. You're in as much danger as Dudley, he'd be just as likely to kidnap you guys to torture you on my whereabouts, or hold you hostage to see if I'll come and rescue you."

"Which she absolutely would, the mad lad." Dudley said. "But you really shouldn't, Daze - if Piddle kidnaps me, I'll beat him to a pulp, don't worry."

And Dudley gave the armchair next to him the one-two.

I sighed. "You guys... it's serious. He's dangerous. There's no guarantee Harry and I'll even come back alive after this."

The room went quiet. The sound of footsteps in the hall a minute later broke the silence, and I turned tearfully to my friends again.

"I love you guys. All I want is for you to stay safe."

"We want the same for you, Daisy." Hannah said quietly.

"Yeah, stay alive, alright?" Megan smiled tearfully.

"Please don't die, I don't know who I'd gossip to about Piers and that hot girl who works at the Little Whinging black market if you were gone." Sasha grinned.

I laughed as Piers said, "Don't listen to her. But I don't know what I'd do without one of my closest friends either."

With a small sob, I reached out and gathered the four of them into a group hug. Dedalus Diggle appeared at the doorway, and after a ten-second long hug, we all separated and Hannah, Megan, Sasha, and Piers joined him. They all walked out to the cars in the driveway, and Harry and I watched sadly as the car doors all shut behind them.

"Oh, Daisy!" Aunt Petunia sobbed behind us, and I was attacked by her arms. She hugged me tightly as Uncle Vernon shook Harry's hand. I hugged back, but not too tight; I didn't want to break her bony body.

Then we separated and Uncle Vernon was hugging me; I couldn't see the interaction between my aunt and my brother due to Uncle V's huge mass blocking my vision. I slapped at him after a few seconds, because while I wasn't exactly the skinniest myself, I was still much smaller than him, and I was being suffocated. We all separated, and there was an awkward, tense silence.

"We'll... we'll leave you three to say your goodbyes." Aunt Petunia said, making her way towards the door.

"Goodbye, kiddo. Stay safe." Uncle Vernon told me as he lumbered towards the door and, with a last look back at me, disappeared through it.

Daisy Potter and the Fallen Angel (Book 7, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now