Chapter 31 - Changing

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*Third person POV*

A group of solemn, miserable people sat around a long kitchen table, glasses of Firewhiskey more than half empty, plates of toast and bacon untouched.

Harry sat in between Ron and Hermione, with Kylie beside Hermione, leaning her head on the bushy-haired girl's shoulder. Harry scowled across the table at the others; Fred and George, Terry, Lee, and Dean. Sirius and Emily looked between the two groups, uneasy with the tension.

But Harry didn't care if anyone else felt uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for his sister's stupid friends, she'd have been here safe with him right now. They allowed her to leave, went with her, and said the Taboo out in the middle of nowhere with no protection. At least if they'd said the Taboo in here, in Grimmauld Place, the Snatchers wouldn't have been able to get in, due to the Fidelius.

And now she was with Riddle. He was probably violating her as they sat there, torturing her, chaining her down and destroying her, and there was nothing they could do about it. They'd tried to get into Hogwarts. They'd tried to break in to save her, every day since she'd been taken. But they had been foiled every time.

And Terry, on the other side of the table, slumped down further in his seat as he watched Fred drain his glass of Firewhiskey. He felt guilt like no other. If it hadn't been for him saying 'Voldemort,' Daisy wouldn't have fallen into the hands of Riddle. His best friend was probably being forced to carry Riddle's baby right now, and it was all his fault.

Terry watched Fred pour another glass of Firewhiskey, eye up the glass, then put the bottle to his lips instead, taking a long swig. The guilt inside Terry rose up, threatening to force tears out of his eyes, as he watched one of his best friends destroy himself with the alcohol. He did this. He did this to his best friends.

The door to the kitchen swung open, and everyone at the table sat up. However, they all sagged back as they saw that it was only Lupin, alone. But something had changed on Lupin's face, and Sirius and Emily spotted this, leaning forward.

"What is it?" Sirius said immediately.

"What've you found?" Emily urged.

"The Death Eaters are divided." Lupin hurried into the room, dumping his satchel onto the table and turning to face the others. "There is a lot of infighting right now. Voldemort's went on a rampage, several who were previously high up in his ranks have been killed by him."

"What? Why?" Sirius asked. "What's happened?"

"It's something to do with Daisy." Lupin said, and those in the room who had previously seemed disinterested leaned forward, their full attention on him now. "That's all I know. Even if I hadn't found that out, it would have been obvious. It was clearly a killing spree motivated by an obsessive possessiveness."

"Did something happen to her?" Terry was on his feet, his hands clenching the edge of the table. His voice was strained but loud. "Did - is she -?"

"I honestly don't know, Terry." Lupin said wearily. "All I know for certain is that she isn't dead. Because if she was, it would be broadcasted widely by the Death Eaters, and Voldemort would most likely have pioneered a much worse rampage than this."

"But this is still good, you guys." Emily said, her voice wavering. "They're divided. Their own leader is turning against them. They're all turning against each OTHER, by the sounds of it - right?"

She turned to Lupin, who nodded.

"Yes; this division and infighting is exactly what we need right now. They're distracted, they're not united. While the Order remains focused, and united."

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