Chapter 20 - Listening

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I am lowkey so tempted to make daisy riddle endgame. My plan is obviously daisy weasley ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and tommy is ofc so sus, but guys, sometimes my desire for dark fics takes over LMAO

Maybe I'll just settle with a weasley twin throuple - ahahaha jks ~unless?~

Maybe I should do alternate/what-if endings? 🤔 like have my main ending in this book but have alternative ending spin-offs in a different one? Idk

Slytherin's locket was as large as a chicken's egg. An ornate letter S, inlaid with many small green stones, glinted dully in the candlelight of Sirius's drawing room as everyone passed it around, turning it over. After our narrow escape from the Ministry, involving us all taking the Muggleborns up to the fireplace exits and helping them through as the Polyjuice Potion wore off and I had to dance and dodge Ministry officials trying to capture me, we were all just lounging around trying to recover.

"Can you feel it, though?" Lee asked in a hushed voice, as he held it tight in his clenched fist.

"What d'you mean?"

Lee passed the Horcrux to me. After a moment or two, I knew what Lee meant. Was it my own blood pulsing through my veins that I could feel, or was it something beating inside the locket, like a tiny metal heart?

"What are we going to do with it?" Hermione asked.

"Keep it safe 'til we get the sword, I guess." I replied, and I hung the chain around my neck, dropping the locket out of sight beneath my shirt.

"Ugh, why didn't we try to break into the Chamber of Secrets and get a fang while we were at school?" Terry threw his hands up into the air, grumbling.

"Because Riddle would have known that Daisy knew about the Horcruxes, and we'd never have gotten the cup." Kylie sighed. "At least attempting to steal the sword could be passed off as general mischief; trying to get into the Chamber of Secrets would raise a lot more suspicion if he decided to have a peek at that particular memory."

"This whole situation stinks." Terry said venomously, glaring at the cup, which was now sitting out on the coffee table again.

I winced, looking away from it. Did they know I'd taken it? Did anyone see the snake Patronus? Why did I have that Patronus, anyway? It really wasn't as if I was actually in love with Riddle... even if I did occasionally feel a panging feeling I associated with missing someone when I thought of him.

And that night, I whimpered into my pillow as my scar prickled, a deep longing sweeping through me as flashes of pale hands that were not my own came across my mind, smoothing over my picture, twirling my wand... then I blinked, and the diadem that I had worn on my head to my wedding was in my hands, and a vivid memory of me walking down the aisle with my floating white veil over my dark hair took over my vision.

And suddenly, the vision and the pain in my scar vanished, leaving me buried face first in my pillow. And, while most of the longing sensation had vanished from the pit of my stomach... some of it remained. My mind wandered back to the Patronus, to the connection between us that was now stronger than ever, to the cup Horcrux that I'd woken up to cradling...

Wow. He'd really done a number on me, hadn't he. He'd... he'd gotten what he wanted. A part of me, however small it was, actually held love for Tom Riddle.

I rolled over, turning to gaze at Terry, who was asleep across from me. His long eyelashes fluttered as he sighed deeply, twitching his nose, and I frowned as I thought about how vehemently opposed my best friend was to my relationship with Riddle, how sick he thought it was.

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