Chapter 32 - The Exit

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"... And I don't want to think about it, it's too painful to think about, but I can't help myself and it just won't stop popping into my head at random moments and making me regret ever being born..."

I could hear the pitiful tone in my voice as we strolled around the lake, and winced. I didn't want to come off as a pathetic, weak victim. But Tom only slipped his hand into mine, squeezing it slightly.

"Do not regret being born, my love. It is what he wants. I know it is painful now, but it will get better once we capture the demon and make it regret ITS life."

"Are demons even alive?"

"Hm." Tom pondered, his eyes moving over the surface of the water. "I suppose I do not know. I have not researched the demons particularly extensively... but the two of us together should be able to vanquish him once and for all."

He stopped us at the water's edge. The sun glinted off the tiny ripples as the leaves in the trees above rustled softly in the breeze. My hair lifted off my shoulders slightly, and Tom turned to gaze at me, deep brown eyes moving across my face.

"Speaking of... my beautiful Daisy, you are doing so well with your Grace. I admire your talent and natural skill at picking up what I am teaching you."

"It helps that I'm feeling a lot of things right now." I admitted. "But having someone tell me what to do is also helpful; I hadn't a clue how to control it before."

Tom moved closer. "It is all about channelling your emotions. Do not just feel them... use them, manipulate them into doing what you want them to do. Master them."

I looked down at my hands. The rage that had slowly been building inside me since Floppy, harnessed in the pit of my stomach, flowed down my arms and throbbed slightly in my wrists. I stretched my fingers out and watched as small shards of glass grew from my skin, pointed and jagged and menacingly dangerous.

"You will get your chance soon enough." Tom said quietly. "We will find him. He will regret ever laying a hand on you."

I sighed, and closed my fists. The shards of glass sank back into my skin and disappeared.


The theme of glass continued over the Grace lessons. As Tom taught me, I mastered the ability to smash mirrors with my mind, shatter shielding wards, and make shards of glass hover in mid-air, directed at my target, ready to fly forward and drive into their flesh at my command.

"Well done, my love." Tom said with a glint in his eye as I stood before him, the shards of glass flashing in between us as they slowly span in the air, aimed right at his head. "Drop them for me, now."

For some reason, I hesitated for a fleeting moment before letting the glass fall to the floor, cracking even more.

"Good... good... you are getting far better at this. You are more refined, more calm and collected. Do you feel that way?"

I took a breath, and shook my head. "I don't feel calm and collected. I feel... I feel ANGRY."

Tom nodded. "So you are determined. That is..." Something flickered in his eyes just then, and I was surprised to interpret it as a mixture of pride and fear. "... Powerful."

'And unpredictable. I must not let her -'

I blinked, taking a step back. Tom narrowed his eyes at me as my heart started pounding. That was his voice, but his mouth hadn't moved. He hadn't said that. But I'd heard it...

"What is it?" Tom took two steps towards me, and I backed into the desk. "Why are you afraid to look into my eyes?"

His body pressed up against mine. I gazed up, past his deliciously unbuttoned shirt, past his defined jawline and frowning pink lips, and into his handsome deep brown eyes. He stared down into mine, and I felt all the air leave my lungs.

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