Chapter 13 - Her First

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I admired my ring as I sat on the bed. My silk white dress poofed out around me as I swung my legs, stretching my fingers out in front of me. I had just kicked off my heels, my feet sore from a whole day and evening of celebrations.

"Now, remember, my love," Tom pushed my skirts out of the way, sitting down beside me, "you cannot ever take it off. Not even for a second. Otherwise you will die, and I do not want that."

"Are you never taking yours off, then?" I quizzed.

Tom pushed his hair back out of his face, and his silver band on his ring finger glinted in the candlelight. "I have affixed it to my finger with a Permanent Sticking Charm. I cannot remove it even if I wanted to."

The words 'and nobody else can either' hung unsaid in the air between us.

"Do you wish me to do the same to yours?" Tom quirked an eyebrow, raising his wand. A flicker of doubt rose in my chest, and I shook my head. "Very well." There was a pause. "You looked beautiful tonight. Radiant. I am... very glad to call you my wife."

I gazed up into his eyes, and smiled. "I'm glad to call you my husband."

Tom returned my smile, his handsome features lit up by the charming half-grin on his face. I felt my heart flutter, and leaned in, letting our lips connect. Tom devoured my lips hungrily, his hands drifting across my waist, and I let my hands travel across his tuxedo, over his waistcoat, and I fiddled with his buttons, undoing them as his tongue swept through my mouth. I pushed it off him, our mouths separating for a moment while he let it fall off his shoulders, then he pushed me gently back onto the bed, his lips back on mine.

We made out passionately, slow and slick and wet, breathing heavily into each other's mouths in between thirty-second-long deep dives with our tongues. I unbuttoned Tom's shirt as I lost myself in the sensation of his tongue sliding over mine, and tossed his bow tie over the edge of the bed. My hands moved across his toned chest, making a desperate noise into his mouth as I felt him up.

Tom's hands moved across my dress, tugging at it; I got the hint and sat up, breaking away from his lips. "Un-unzip here." I panted, turning and showing him. Tom quickly moved his hands, making my dress slip off my shoulders, and I stepped out.

Tom's eyes dropped, and almost instantly darkened. He wetted his lips with his tongue slowly, his gaze moving all over me. I bit my swollen bottom lip as I stared back, my hand on my hip. I was in a lacy white bra, with matching panties, and my suspender belt was short and poofy like a skirt, holding up two white stockings with little bows on the top. And my hair had been moved to one side around my neck, showing off my wings that I'd popped out just for this such occasion; I'd been practising so that I could make them come out when I wanted, and so that I could adjust the size of them. Right now they were only the length and width of my upper back, and the fluffy white feathers curled slightly around my shoulders. I looked incredibly hot, and I knew it.

"You look simply divine, Daisy." Tom purred, biting his lip and shutting his crimson eyes briefly before opening them wide again, reaching out for me with a smirk on his lips. "Come here and let me treat you right..."

I fell forward into his arms, connecting our lips again; Tom turned, resting us both down on the bed, his hands moving lightly up my sides, tracing over my breasts; I broke away from him, pushing him down beside me on the bed. I only registered Tom's surprised expression for a second before I slid down his body, unbuckling his trousers and pulling them and his boxers down and off. I dove onto him, licking up and down his length, and Tom groaned above me, a hand landing in my hair. He knocked the diadem askew, and I reached up, making to pull it off my head, but Tom's hand clamped down on mine, stopping me.

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