Chapter 28 - Support Daisy Potter Party

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The guilt continued to eat at me for the next couple of days. I tried to push the incident to the back of my mind, convincing myself that it was just a mistake, a blip, a moment of weakness.

And that it would never happen again.

But Tom was incredibly satisfied by our incident. It was as if he had been expecting it, and as if it meant something. But it meant nothing to me; it was just sex, it was just a mistake that I was now pretending didn't happen. But Tom walked around his quarters with an air of smugness and triumph, looked at me with that infuriating little smirk, and was always hinting that we could have more if I wanted.

"You know, Daisy..." Tom breathed as he pressed me up against the wall of his office, fastening the collar back around my neck. "I can tell what you are thinking about when you look at me. You could be on your knees before me in a much different way, if you like."

I tried to ignore the way my pulse raced when his fingers were brushing against the skin of my neck like that. "No chance, Voldy. Never again."

"You will change your mind soon enough." Tom smirked as he yanked me down onto my knees, looping the rope attached to the collar around one of the legs of his desk. "That itch of yours will grow..."

And despite how hard I tried to ignore it, it did grow; the itch sometimes took over, when Tom was being especially seductive, when I was bored, and even when I woke up one morning with tears streaming down my face after dreaming about Fred. I'd felt so guilty and miserable that I had just wanted to forget about it - and Tom had been there right beside me. The perfect distraction.

But each time we did it, I'd told him that he couldn't come inside me. I was very vehement about it - I didn't want to get pregnant again, I wasn't going to allow him to create his weapon in my body. Besides, even if I did want to eventually have Tom's babies - WHICH I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT - seventeen was not the age for me to do it.

"Tom - Tom - stop - don't want you to - to come inside -" I was slapping at him behind me, slightly delirious after having just came myself.

"Ugh." Tom withdrew, shoving me onto the floor again, and a second later I felt his hot liquid hitting me on the chest, dripping onto the ground.

I crouched there on my hands and knees, panting, staring up at him. He smirked down at me, running a hand through his hair.

"Lick it up."


"Lick it up, off the floor." Tom nodded at the small pool of his essence on the ground, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Do not worry, it is clean; I get your lookalikes in here every day to take care of their master's quarters."

This only made me glare harder at him. "Actually fuck off. Don't force your captives to clean up after you, that's disgusting. I'm here now; why do you still have them?"

Tom had a wicked glint in his eye. "Why, do not tell me you are jealous, my love?"

I scoffed. "You wish. No, I want you to let them go, they haven't done anything wrong! Their only crime was - was looking like me, for fuck sake."

"Oh, so you are feeling responsible for their fates." Tom's wickedness spread to his smile, which curled in such a sadistic way that it made me shudder. "That is fine, my love. I shall... release them from their captivity. And you can take their job."

I tilted my head at him.

"You can be my personal maid, my love... my housewife, if you will..." Tom clarified, reaching a hand out to pet my hair. I jerked back, still glaring at him with utter hatred. "Maybe I will trust you with your restraints off... and perhaps I will source a sexy little uniform for you, to act the part..."

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