Chapter 6 - The Breaking Process

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"How'd you find me anyway?" I said as Floppy dragged me towards Hogwarts through muddy, rain-slicked grounds. "You were like, right on top of me practically, after I transformed."

"You're too arrogant and cocky for your own good, Weakling." Floppy rolled his eyes, tugging at my arm. I stumbled beside him, trying to wiggle out of the ropes binding my wrists together in front of me. "You were right that none of us knew how to hack a phone due to being technologically illiterate - due to, uh, none of us actually bothering with that Muggle nonsense, anyway..."

Floppy looked suddenly nervous and scoffed. I smirked.


"Shut up, Weakling. But the Dark Lord recognised where you were from the wallpaper."

"What? How?" I said, bemused. "He's never stepped foot in my godfather's place... has he?"

Floppy laughed. "No. Obviously not, dumbass."

I glared at him.

"He remembered it from when he went through your head, apparently. He was looking for all your sexual encounters to see if anyone had gotten you pregnant before, and happened upon Weasley licking your cunt the summer before fifth year."

I wrinkled my nose at his vulgar language, and aimed a kick at his shin. Floppy caught me before I landed it, flipping me onto my back on the wet mud. The wind was knocked out of me, and I blinked up at the grey sky, stars in my vision from smacking my head on the ground.

"Shit! Uh - c'mon, get up."

I was lifted up into Floppy's arms, and he used his Beater strength to carry me up the path towards the school. I watched his pale face above me as my head spun.

"Why were you sent to get me anyway? Are you Tommy's lackey, now?" I murmured.

Floppy scoffed again, glancing down at me. "No. I - I needed to redeem myself... I've not been myself lately... been weak, even..."

I watched him, intrigued. He's not been himself, he's been weak... and from what I've seen, he's been struggling to keep control of himself, been wrestling with something inside him...

"But that's of no concern to you, Weakling." Floppy whispered, his eyes glinting. "No more from you. Shut up."

Floppy's a demon, right? And demons have to possess a human to be able to walk around on this earth as one, right? So that means Felix Malfoy - the real Felix Malfoy - is possessed by Floppy, the demon. And has been, all this time, since first year.

Is that what Floppy's been struggling with? Is the real Felix Malfoy trying to break out of him at last?

"Felix," I breathed, pouting up at him, hoping my hunch was correct, "Felix, please... let me go."

Floppy's eyes flickered with panic and anxiety, and for a split second I thought he was going to turn around and carry me back to the gates. But the flicker was gone next moment, Floppy's eyes were fixed in front of us, and I was being carried up the stone steps to the Entrance Hall.

"Right, you have to stand up and walk on your own now, please." Floppy told me as we reached the doors, setting me down. I swayed on my feet.

"What's my incentive?" I said, very aware of the wet mud dampening my clothes and clinging to my hair.

"Just c'mon." Floppy growled, grabbing my arm again. I tugged fruitlessly at the rope around my wrists as he banged on the castle doors with his other fist.

The door on the left opened almost immediately. A Death Eater that I recognised instantly - Amycus Carrow - popped his head out, then beckoned Floppy in quickly, his eyes gleaming at me. I was tugged inside, and Carrow led the way down to the dungeons.

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