Chapter 24 - Red F

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Fresh new covers uploaded!! Go check them out ladies 😌

Also can someone pls tell me why sometimes I want to absolutely get railed by tom and other times I want to KILL him lol 🥴

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the guys pottering around in the kitchen, banging and laughing amongst the sound of the kettle going off.

"Ahahaha, fuck off, Lee!" Fred's voice drifted out to me, and I grinned to myself.

Until I remembered just what exactly I had been up to last night, and it dropped. The guilt was eating me up inside, even though I knew I couldn't help having a dream about Riddle if Riddle himself was forcing it upon me.

But was he? It could just as easily have been me. After all, what with the Horcruxes, being married, and having an intense connection and all, sometimes I felt as if I was in love with him. Just a small part of me could be in love with him...

No. You're in love with Fred. Completely. No room for Riddle in this fucking heart!

I sighed and stood up, stretching and yawning. I made a little noise of satisfaction as I arched my back into the air, squeezing my eyes shut - then a voice whispered in my mind, and I jumped.

'That sounds familiar.'

What the fuck? What was that?

'Hello, my love. Having a little internal crisis about whether you love me or not?'

I froze in the middle of my stretch, my heart pounding. Was Riddle seriously speaking in my mind right now? As if to confirm this, my scar twinged, and I unfroze, slumping back onto George's bed.

'I would say that you marrying me is proof enough that you love me, but your friend Boot would say that it was simply manipulation on my part. Tsk. You were not on Amortentia, and you were quite eager to be my princess in white.'

I wasn't eager. Terry's right, I didn't want to marry you.

'Ah, but Daisy, my love, you were. You were so excited for our wedding day. And might I add, you were very much so EAGER on our wedding night...'

I shivered as I thought about that night. Tom down my throat, filling my mouth, making my jaw ache, the taste of him... his tongue on me, teasing my clit, lapping me up... him inside me, scraping against my sweet spot, stretching me out, filling me with his essence...

'Ah, do not make me see that again, my love. You will make me need to release myself with my own hand...'

For some reason, I didn't seem to mind this. I might have even wanted to see that myself... No! Fuck, Daisy, shut up, shut UP -

'Or I might call in one of the girls. But they would not be able to satisfy me the way you did, my love...'

The girls?

I could almost see the smirk Riddle was wearing right now. 'Yes. My Death Eaters have been searching the land far and wide for girls that look just like you. There are not many, but all whom they could find are stored here in the dungeons of our dear school. The Muggle girls I have been using as sexual replacement for you, my love, but as their blood is filthy they are of no further use to me... I dispose of them after I am done with them.'

W-what? What the fuck? What the FUCK?

'Do not be so disgusted, my adoring wife. I only accept those who desire me. If a girl is truly unwilling, I will not lie with her.'

And does that make it any better that you then... what? Kill them after you fuck them?

'Oh, Daisy... you do not understand. They are not you. I try my best to see those girls with magical blood like you, to connect with them the way I connected with you... but it does not work. I admit, I get frustrated, and if my attempt to replace you has failed, I also dispose of the witch...'

Daisy Potter and the Fallen Angel (Book 7, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now