Chapter 5 - Got You

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Five days after the wedding, we all found ourselves in the drawing room in Grimmauld Place. Evening had fallen, and Hermione and Terry were in the corner poring over a bunch of textbooks and papers about Horcruxes, research about places where Riddle had been in his past, and detailed drawings of the potential objects he might have used to house a part of his soul. They were also perusing Daily Prophets and other various papers we'd stolen from missions in Animagus forms or under the Cloak to gain information from Ministry workers making their way into work in the mornings.

Sirius and Emily were in the other corner, listening to a Wizarding wireless, which had been turned down quietly, but Harry, who was beside me on the sofa, kept perking up to listen every time he heard something interesting. Fred, George, Ron, and Kylie were lounging across the opposite sofa, chatting, though their conversation didn't appear to be especially light-hearted.

I snuggled further into Harry's side, tugging his arm further around my shoulders, and thought about what I was going to do for a minute. Was it wise? Probably not. Did I really want to clear my name? Fuck yes.

Harry leaned his head on top of mine, and I decided: yes. I had to.

I pulled up YouNow and went live. Immediately, several thousand people joined my stream, which jumped to twenty thousand after I waited a moment.

"What are you doing, Daisy?" Harry hissed, jerking his head away from my camera.

"Don't worry, guys." I said lightly as everyone else in the room looked up. "The Ministry and the Death Eaters don't know how to work technology; they'll never be able to trace where I am."

Fifty thousand now.

"Okay, well, maybe more people than I thought." I muttered. "But that's okay," I raised my voice, grinning into the camera, "they may have phones, but they definitely don't know how to hack!"

"What, do you think the Death Eaters have phones?" Terry called over from the corner, his face suddenly pale.

"It's whatever, man." I said. "They'll never be smart enough to know how to hack. You guys are dumb." I poked my finger at the screen, and a bunch of people in the live chat put in laughing emojis. "Anyway, everyone. How's things? The Ministry's been taken over, some of you are going back to school under Snivellus Snap in a few weeks... ew..."

More laughing emojis. Seventy thousand watching.

"But I'm not going back. I have a mission." I told the camera. "Dumbledore left me something very important to do, and it's a lot more important than going to school to possibly learn Dark Magic and then get captured by Voldy. And on that note..."

I glanced up at Harry. He was watching me with a solemn face, and he nodded.

Turning back to my phone, I took a deep breath. "As many of you know, I'm now being sought after by the Ministry because of my so-called 'sexual relationship' with Voldemort. I want to tell you all the truth.

"And I don't even agree with calling him Voldemort. That's the name he chose for himself because he wanted to sound cooler. Did you guys know that?" I said. The live chat was going mad, and I was up to a hundred thousand now. "He had a boring, mundane name. The name of his Muggle father. Tom Riddle. I don't see why he gets to be special and have a fancy name. He's just like the rest of us, and should be treated as such."

The live chat was now going so fast that I couldn't read it. The only comment I could read before it quickly disappeared up past the banner was 'girl you've just signed your death sentence 😩😩'

"I don't care what he thinks of me exposing him, guys." I said. "Because he won't kill me. He can't even hurt me physically that much. He needs me alive and functional. Do you guys know why he kidnapped me from my school last year?"

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