Chapter 11 - Daisy's Marrying (You-Know-)Who?

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*Terry's POV*

"I mean, guys, she's in pretty deep." I said across the Gryffindor table. "I don't know if we can -"

"We have to try!" Draco cut me off, his face furious. "She's down there every night, getting - getting -"

"- Sexually assaulted by actual Voldemort." Kylie nodded, her face screwed up in disgust.

"But I did see something weird in her memories." I lowered my voice. Ginny, Louis, Shannon, Suzanne, and Colin all leaned in, intrigued, as Draco and Kylie sat back, faces apprehensive. "Guys... I think Riddle has feelings for her. Not love, obviously - I don't think he's even capable of that. But, I think he is at least getting fond of her. Like you would your favourite pet, y'know."

"Eurgh." Ginny said, her nose wrinkled.

"That's really creepy." Louis commented, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, a pet that you fuck and get off on torturing." Kylie rolled her eyes.

"It's more in the sense that he doesn't view her as fully human, or an equal." I said. "I mean, I know she's not technically fully human, but you know what I mean. She's not equal to him, she's like a pet, she's beneath him but he still feels fondness for her."

"But why?" Draco queried.

I shrugged. "Who knows?"

"How d'you know he feels that way towards her?" Colin asked.

"It's just in his mannerisms." I said. "He listens to her requests sometimes, like cuddling and drawing hearts on her skin with knives instead of just normal cuts - yeah, baby, I know it's gross, no need to retch over my toast - and doesn't want anyone else to hurt her; he got really pissed off at Carrow and Floppy for torturing her and injuring her."

I paused, thinking back as the group winced and looked like they were holding back vomit.

"He also thinks she's 'beautiful,' which is not something he says about just anything, trust me. And he's really possessive of her. Kept reminding her that she's 'his' and telling her that he can fuck her 'better' than anyone else..."

"Bit weird." Colin said.

"Yeah, man." I shuddered. "But I think we can play that to our advantage. If -"

"Shh, shh -" Suzanne hissed, flapping her hands at us, and we all fell silent. Daisy was approaching the table, and we all eyed her as she beamed at us, dropping onto the bench in between me and Draco.

"Hey, everyone!" Daisy said brightly, pulling a plate of toast towards her.

Exchanging a glance with Draco and Ginny, I pushed a goblet containing pumpkin juice and a crushed up contraceptive pill towards her; Daisy took a huge sip without argument.

"Why are you so cheerful today?" I said, eyeing her. Daisy's demeanour was quite concerning; she'd just been tortured for several hours yesterday, and had been kept in Riddle's quarters all day afterwards. Surely she shouldn't be so happy?

"Because..." Daisy said with the air of somebody about to drop an atomic bomb. "Look!"

She stretched out her left hand suddenly, and waggled her fingers at us. Draco gasped loudly; Kylie jerked back as if someone had slapped her across the face; Louis swore; I felt as if a huge brick had dropped into the pit of my stomach.

"Is... is that a..." I asked weakly.

"Yeah, it's an engagement ring! Tom and I are getting married!" Daisy squealed, and she giggled in a very girly way. Ginny reached out for Daisy's arm convulsively, looking distraught.

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