Chapter 30 - Used

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Major content warning ⛔️ the topic of rape and sexual assault is a main focus of this chapter and will have mentions throughout the rest of Daisy's story. As I have experience of this myself, I wanted to show that victims can heal and get through difficult times, and that it can happen to anyone, even world-famous, popular Chosen Ones.

But yeah. I wanted to warn you guys, if this seems like something that might trigger you, I would recommend you skip this chapter. I simply wanted to highlight the horrors of one of the worst things that can happen to a woman and show in the chapters that come after that it is not the end if it happens to you.  Please stay strong ❤️

"You're... you're what?"

I was blinking, staring at Tom as though I'd never seen him before. His eyes were a handsome, deep brown; they were gazing into mine with such a meaningful intensity that I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I am sorry, Daisy. I deeply apologise for any hurt that I have caused you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Tom Riddle, You-Know-Poo, Lord fucking Voldemort, was telling me that he was SORRY. Sorry that he'd hurt me!

"Tom, do you even know how MUCH hurt you've caused me?" I said slowly. "You... you kidnapped me, you tortured me and my friends, you had sex with me without any real consent on my part..." I took a deep breath. "Tom, you killed my parents. You tried to kill ME."

"I am aware of this." Tom's eyes had gleamed red at the mention of his torture of my friends. "I may... I may be feeling..."

For the first time since I'd ever even known him, he was struggling for words. I watched his brown eyes dart about in search of what to say; his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"... Remorse?" I said in surprise. Surely not... it couldn't be...

Tom looked back up at me. "Yes. Maybe. It feels... ever since I changed my appearance... that what I have done between when I looked like this, and before I was reborn, was not my doing. I feel... oddly detached from it."

"Terry was RIGHT." I breathed. I stared at Tom in awe, at his handsome features, so covered in confusion now. "You DO have the mentality of your younger self."

"Do not get me wrong, Daisy." Tom said. "I did indeed do all of these things. I did dispose of your parents. I did... try to kill you as an infant." He sighed, looking away again. "But I severely regret that. If I had succeeded, I would not have my beautiful wife beside me now. I would not be as happy as I am -"

"I make you happy!" I blurted out, a huge smile stretching across my face against my will. "Wow, I can't believe you just said that."

"Can you not?" He said, but I saw a small smile curling on his lips too. "My love, when have I ever made you doubt my love for you?"

"Er, when you -" I began, but I was cut off by Tom's lips on mine. The kiss was so soft, so sweet, so loving that I forgot all about the fluids slowly leaking down my thighs.


Tom and I lived in harmony for the next few days. Apart from his small temper tantrum when he'd heard that everyone at the Support Daisy Potter party had either disappeared in the school (into the Room of Requirement) or off Hogwarts grounds (Hagrid off to join the Order most likely) consisting of him leaving our quarters for several hours and coming back with his sleeves rolled up and his hands and forearms covered in blood, he seemed weirdly content.

He stopped me doing any more chores, instead choosing to take me out around the grounds, enjoying a sunlit walk twice a day, and sit by the fireplace with me and read. Of course, he'd still randomly hit me with the Cruciatus Curse when he was bored, or seduce me into a two-hour-long fuck involving little knives and ropes, but when he wasn't doing these things it really seemed as if he liked spending time with me.

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