Chapter 34 - The Throuple

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"Woah, there, guys." I said weakly as Kylie and Ron nearly suffocated me. "Jesus, what's gotten into you?"

"We're just so so so glad you're okay, Daze." Ron breathed, squeezing me tight to him as Kylie buried her face in my shoulder, trying but failing to hide her teary eyes. I was glad that my wings had folded back into my skin after we'd arrived in Grimmauld Place, otherwise they'd be squished.

"Am I, though?" I muttered to myself as they released me, Hermione and Emily taking their turn next.

"What was that, baby?" Fred said, stepping closer as Emily rubbed her hand soothingly up and down my back.

"Nothing." I said hastily, wincing as an after-shock of the Cruciatus Curse rattled through me. Fred and George were immediately upon me, guiding me down into a chair and drawing their own up beside mine, sitting on either side of me. Fred slung an arm around my shoulders, and George's hand slipped into mine, squeezing gently.

My heart was fluttering, and not just due to the painful shudders going through my body.

"Sweetheart..." Sirius said, through the quiet that had fallen over the kitchen, everyone's eyes on me concerned. "What happened to you up there?"

"Oh, just the usual." I flapped my free hand at him, looking away. "Riddle drugging me, making me -"

"Not to contradict you or anything," Terry said heavily, "but Riddle said the potion wasn't working on you anymore."

I bit my lip. "He's - he's lying."

The kitchen went quiet again. Fred's arm was stiff around my shoulders. George was grabbing my hand a great deal tighter now. Harry was glaring at the wall opposite, and Sirius was exchanging a glance with Emily. Terry looked at me with a weird mix of sympathy and defeat.

"Was he, Softpaw?" He said quietly. "Was he lying?"

I felt my eyes prickle and looked up at him. The curly-haired Ravenclaw wavered in my vision, obstructed by tears, and I let out a little involuntary sob.

"I don't wanna talk about this..."

"But he said that it doesn't work on you anymore. So what did he do to you, then? Did he torture you?" Harry turned to me, his voice forceful and strained with the effort of not crying, just like me. "He said he - he 'released' in you, and that you - you sucked his -"

"Harry, mate, enough!"

I was surprised to hear Ron's loud voice breaking out over my brother's, and turned to see the freckled boy gazing in disbelief at Harry.

"C'mon, leave her alone, she said she didn't want to talk about it!"

"But - but - Riddle said -" Harry said defensively. "He said he fucked her, she's been rap-"

"I SAID I don't want to talk about it, Harry!" I stood up suddenly, wrenching my hand away from George and letting Fred's arm fall off me. The two reached out for me again automatically, but I dodged them, storming around the table and marching towards the door, tears free-falling from my cheeks.

The reality was, I was crying because I had been raped, just like Harry was accusing. But it hadn't been by Riddle; I'd had very consensual sex with him the whole time I'd been kidnapped. The combination of my trauma and the betrayal I felt at having slept with the enemy made me sob into my hands as I hurried from the kitchen, up the steps and into the hall.

And lying to them about what had happened wasn't making me feel any better. In fact, the guilt only fed the ugly, twisting feeling of betrayal in the pit of my stomach.

Daisy Potter and the Fallen Angel (Book 7, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now