Chapter 12 - I Do

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*Daisy's POV*

I writhed on the ground, screaming and yelling, feeling the pain rocket through my body. Professor Carrow pointed his wand at me with a nasty grin as the two sixth year Slytherin boys that had readily volunteered to practice the Cruciatus Curse on me stood to the side, having finished their turns. Ginny, Louis, and Colin were hammering on Professor Carrow's Shield Charm, yelling and shrieking, while the rest of the sixth years looked nauseated.

The curse was suddenly lifted, and I fell to the floor, shivering and twitching. The reason for the halting was apparent; Tom was standing in the doorway, his face the picture of fury. The class had frozen and fallen deathly silent; Colin let out a noise like a whimper.

"Amycus. A word?" Tom said, his voice slow and cold.

Professor Carrow was staring at Tom with a paper-white face. He sent a glare around the room before stepping forward.

"Yes, My L-"

"Bring Miss Potter." Tom interrupted.

Professor Carrow winced slightly, turning back around and bending down to grab one of my arms. He yanked me up roughly, and I yelped as I stumbled onto my feet. I glanced around at Tom helplessly, and saw to my delight that he was glaring at Professor Carrow.

"Be more gentle with her." Tom said coolly, with the 'or else' left unsaid but heavily implied. Professor Carrow's grip on me loosened immediately, and I tugged myself out of his grip, hurrying towards Tom. An after-shock from the curse went through me again unexpectedly, and I tripped - but Tom caught me, hoisting me back up onto my feet. His hands lingered on my body, his red eyes on my face, before he lifted his gaze back towards Professor Carrow.

"Out." Tom said.

The Dark Arts professor shuffled out of the classroom, and the last thing I saw in there before the door shut was the mixed curiosity and horror that was on the faces of every student inside.

"Amycus," Tom turned to him, Tom's hand drifting down and finding mine; I let him thread his fingers through mine, feeling the pink clouds whirl around in my brain, "is it really necessary to punish Miss Potter? What has she done to earn this?"

"She earned a detention from Alecto, My Lord." Professor Carrow muttered. "She was disobedient in class. You allowed us to -"

"Not any more." Tom said with a hint of a growl. "You will not issue any more detentions to Miss Potter. If she is really misbehaving, send her to me. And as for you, Miss Potter, I'd like you not to act up in class any more."

Tom's eyes were narrowed at me. I beamed at him.

"Of course, Tom!"

Professor Carrow's eyes widened in surprise; Tom spared half a glance at me before raising his wand in his free hand, pointing it directly at my professor. I watched as he dropped to the ground, yelling and writhing, and then moved my eyes to Tom. I studied his face; his handsome features were hardened with hatred.

Eventually, Professor Carrow sat up, panting. Tom eyed him for a moment more, before deciding that his punishment was finished; turning, he tightened his grip on my hand and led me away down the corridor.


"My Daisy... my sweet Daisy..." Tom murmured as he stroked my hair. "Why won't you just behave? It would be so much better for you..."

I snuggled into him. Tom had me in his lap and was cradling me like a baby. "I dunno! I think I'm just naturally inclined to rebel, it's just a thing I have. Sorry, Tommy, I'll try not to in the future."

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