Chapter 35 - Ring of Fire

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The group that lived in Grimmauld Place was relaxing in the kitchen, though there was a certain degree of tension in the air as Harry, Sirius, and Kylie all glanced at me periodically, probably waiting for me to burst out my confession of what had happened.

I was cozied into my two boyfriends as we all sipped on our hot chocolates, hyper-aware of George's arm slung around me, our chairs all scooted together as close as possible, Fred's hand resting casually on my bare thigh. I could feel George's heat through the fabric of my top, and every time Fred moved his fingers even a centimetre, tingles danced across my skin.

Was it even technically correct to call them 'my two boyfriends' though? I mean, sure, Fred was definitely my boyfriend, but I was just dating and being physically intimate with George at the moment. It wasn't confirmed as a relationship status between us yet. It was like a trial run, a test drive.

Not yet. He's not my boyfriend yet.

I looked up into Terry's eyes, which had been watching me over the table as I thought this, and he smirked at me.

'But he could be...'

Oh my Godric. Seriously? I made a mental note not to think of anything private while looking into Terry's eyes in the future; his Legilimency had gotten too good.

'Or you could just practice your Occlumency like you were supposed to have done in fifth year, you dingbat.'

I glared at the grinning Terry for a second more, then hastily looked elsewhere.

And at this moment, a laughing Sirius looked away from a grinning Emily, who had obviously just said something extremely amusing, and said across the room, "And on the topic of jealous partners, Daisy, George, you're looking awfully close there. How does our man Fred feel about this?"

It was said in a humorous tone, with no malice, and Sirius's eyes were twinkling. He wasn't really calling us out, it was obvious by the way he said it, so he clearly didn't suspect anything. Not the truth, which was that Fred was more than fine with me and George being 'awfully close.'

I felt my face flush, and I shot a quick glance between the twins. George's cheeks were suddenly pink, and Fred sent half a glance at the two of us before opening his mouth, a smirk on his face.

I dreaded what he was going to say. Was he going to expose us? Was he going to make a dumb joke about the situation? For the first time, I felt a sort of guilty fear at what people would say, or think about me if they knew what I'd signed up for. I knew I'd been thought of as the school slut by the Slytherins ever since my hoe phase in sixth year, but this was a real, actual polyamorous relationship I was now in, and more people than the Slytherins could have a problem with it. Harry... Sirius... Fred and George's siblings... oh Godric, Mrs Weasley...

Calm down, Daisy. You're just a lover. A lover of people. My heart can love multiple people at the same time, and there's nothing wrong with that.


I was saved from having to worry about Fred's answer by the kitchen door swinging open, and Lee and Dean entering.

"We're back, bitches!" Lee announced, and then his eyes landed on me. "Shit - Daze! Oh my Godric -"

Dean made an excited noise as the two ran to me, and I stood from my chair, detangling from Fred and George, and reached over to hug them both in turn. Lee held on a little longer, squeezing me tight to him, and we both beamed at each other.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Lee said, his eyes wide and bright with joy. "I missed you!"

His hands rubbed up and down my back in glee, and in his excitement I don't think he even noticed that his hands slipped a bit too close to my rear. My eyes widened -

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