Chapter 7 - Blood

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*Fred's POV*

"Where the hell is she?" I paced around the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, my hands in my hair. "She was supposed to be back over an hour ago."

"Chill out, she's fine." George tried to reassure me, but his face was pale and anxious. "She'll have just gotten distracted and is probably fucking around somewhere in a bar or a shopping centre or something."

"No!" I almost shouted, tugging at my hair. "She wouldn't do that to - to me. She's reckless and chaotic, sure, but she wouldn't let me sit here and worry like this!"

The door burst open, and I spun on my heel. Sirius and Emily entered the kitchen, faces grim and as pale as George's. Harry leapt up from his chair; Terry looked around from where he was curled up on his, lowering his hands from his face; Kylie, Ron, and Hermione stopped their hushed conversation in the corner and turned.

"It's not good news." Emily said flatly.

My heart stopped in terror. "Where is she?" I demanded. "What's happened to her?"

Sirius heaved a deep sigh, his eyes swimming with a muted fury. "We were notified by the Order members stationed in Hogsmeade about fifteen minutes ago that they'd seen some suspicious activity outside the Hogwarts gates. They'd seen Felix Malfoy Apparating with Daisy right outside them, and... and he took her inside."

My heart all but stopped. Daisy's... in Hogwarts? But... but it's been taken over by Snape, hasn't it? It's run by Death Eaters now.

I collapsed into a chair, burying my face in my hands. George sat down beside me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"And apparently Voldemort has set up camp there." Emily continued. "According to our sources, he's living at Hogwarts part-time. So..."

I felt like the floor was falling from under me. No... Daisy couldn't be there with him... this couldn't be happening... not again...

"So Daisy's getting tortured by Riddle right now." Harry spat, his fists clenching. "Is that what you're telling me?"

Emily bowed her head. "Yeah, Harry. Most likely."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Terry took in a great, shuddering breath. None of us wanted to say what we were all thinking: that Daisy was probably under a love potion right now, and was having unspeakable things done to her.

"We need a plan." I spoke up, the churning in the pit of my stomach making me feel sick. "We need to get her out."

Sirius laughed humourlessly. "Fred, no offence, but it's really not as simple and easy as you think it is. Hogwarts has been taken over now, it is heavily guarded, Voldemort himself is there - we'd have to plan for weeks, months even -"

"And that's what we'll do, isn't it?" I said stubbornly, standing up again. "If that's what it takes? We'll plan for months."

Sirius regarded me for a moment, something similar to pride in his eyes, then nodded. "Yeah, that's what we'll do. You know," he smiled briefly, "I'm glad Daisy picked you to be her partner. You're the only one I would have approved of."

I met his eyes and nodded once. We'll plan, we'll find her... we'll fight for her.



*Daisy's POV*

Tom was the most handsome man I'd ever seen in my life. He looked exactly my age, and looked exactly like his diary Horcrux; I remembered it so clearly, remembered thinking he was lowkey hot as fuck.

Daisy Potter and the Fallen Angel (Book 7, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now