Chapter 14 - We are the DA

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"Are you not glad we decided to do this, Daisy?"

I looked up from my magazine, reaching up to prop my sunglasses on top of my head. I glanced over at Tom, who was reclining lazily on the sunlounger beside me, watching me.

"I know we had our reservations at first, but really, we ARE winning the war in Britain, and we deserved a little break."

"Mhm." I said, setting the magazine down. "It's really beautiful here, Tommy. Thanks for taking me."

We were in Tenerife, lounging beside the pool outside our private cabin on the beach. The sky was pure blue; the waves were rolling in softly; the sun was beating down on us relentlessly, and I could feel my pale skin was going to tan at least slightly before the week was up.

"It is my pleasure, my love." Tom said. He looked at me for another second, then swung his legs off the lounger. "I am going to get more strawberries. This is the last one."

He held up the large strawberry to show me, then made to put it into his mouth; I leaned forward, swiping it off him, and popped it into my own mouth, smirking.

Tom's jaw fell open for a split second, then he moved; I shot up from my lounger, giggling, and ran along the edge of the pool. I shrieked as he grabbed me around the waist, pulling me sideways; we both fell into the water, making a huge splash.

"Where is it? Give it back to me." Tom demanded, wrestling me in close to him as I tried to doggy paddle away, still giggling. "It is mine."

I swallowed, and grinned. "Don't have it."

"Show me your mouth. Go on, then."

I raised an eyebrow slowly, opening wide and sticking my tongue out. Tom's gaze dropped to my tongue, his eyes unexpectedly darkening. His hands drifted across my skimpy-bikini-clad body under the water, and I heard him let out a deep, quiet sigh.

"What is it, Tommy?" I teased. "Cat got your tongue?"

Tom pressed his lips onto mine, backing me into the side of the pool. His hand drifted down in between my legs, and I let out a soft squeal into his mouth as his fingers slipped past my bikini thong.

His tongue massaged mine slowly as I gasped into his mouth; I felt up his wet, toned chest as our bare skin pressed against each other's. He rubbed at me, and I sagged weakly into his arms, whining as our bare legs slid against each other's under the water.

Then his fingers prodded at my hole; I moaned against him as one finger entered me, sliding in slow and deep, and I trembled as I felt the finger curl against my g-spot.

"M-more." I mewled, and I felt Tom smirk against my lips as another finger entered me, rubbing against my insides and curling deliciously. I gasped and moaned against him as my hands slid up and down his wet back, trying to hold on but the water making it slippery. His other hand caressed my body, curling around my waist under the water.

Soon I was clenching around his long fingers, gasping his name, collapsing into his shoulder as he groaned, keeping them jammed up me as I shuddered.

"Daisy, you squeeze me so tight..." Tom purred, burying his face in my neck. I felt his teeth nip me and shivered. "I am anticipating how you are going to feel around my dick..."

I opened my eyes in surprise at his very blunt language, but bit my lip as I felt his hardness pressing against me. I reached down into his swim shorts, wrapping my hand around him. Tom's dark red eyes were fixated on me, and he let out a low groan as I started moving my hand. He withdrew his fingers from inside me and both his hands drifted up my body, landing on my breasts.

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