Chapter 15 - I'm the Chosen One

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The term passed, quickly making its way through November and into December. At the end of the last week in November, I had taken our team of Gryffindors out into the field to battle Slytherin at Quidditch.

Ginny, some girl called Demelza Robins from fifth year, and a guy called Jimmy Peakes from fourth year were those I had selected in tryouts to be Chasers, and I had picked Cormac to be Keeper, as he was second-best to Ron last year, and he'd been forced to repeat this year due to not passing his NEWTs. Kylie and Louis were back in their Beater positions from when Fred and George got banned by Umbridge, and of course, I was the Seeker.

And the Beaters that I had to avoid this year were Floppy and Spieler, the latter having taken over Ash's previous position. I had to duck and avoid them the whole match while they slammed Bludger after Bludger at me, and it was only due to Kylie and Louis that I didn't fucking die.

I didn't even know that Tom had been watching until I returned to his quarters, exhausted and still in my Quidditch robes, slumping onto a loveseat beside the window while Tom got up from his armchair, swirling his red wine around in his glass slowly.

"You did excellent." He said, raising the glass to his lips. He took a long sip, then lowered the glass, his eyes still on me. "It was exhilarating watching you catch the Snitch. I have always known that you are a winner."

I bent down to take the kneepads off my beige joggers, avoiding his eye. So far, due to some miracle, he hadn't raised any questions to me about the DA's antics lately; well, not anything suspecting my involvement. He'd asked me if I knew anyone likely to be involved, and if Terry was the ringleader, both of which I vehemently denied. I avoided eye contact with him like the plague; I knew that if he cared enough to look into my head, he'd see that it was in fact me who was the ringleader.

And I didn't know what he would do to me if he did find out. Would he laugh and find it amusing, as he did say that he didn't want me to lose my rebellious and mischievous side? Or would he be angry, forcing me to take another batch of Amortentia, torturing me until I hated the sight of Terry again?

And these fears that I started to have as I continued to run a riot with the DA, contributed to my realisation that Tom... maybe didn't love me in a conventional way. And maybe that wasn't healthy. Maybe it wasn't real love, it was just infatuation. Maybe it WAS real love, but coming from such a twisted individual, it was dangerous and unhealthy and bad for my health. Bad for me. Bad for everyone around me. Bad for the world.

I decided to leave the kneepads on, standing up suddenly with my Firebolt. I raised my arms to stretch, and Tom said sharply, "Look where you are aiming that thing!"

I jumped; turning, I saw that I'd nearly knocked off the shelf behind me a little golden cup with a badger engraved on it. I thought I recognised it from somewhere, but the thought went out of my mind as I turned back to Tom.

"I'm going to go hang out with my friends. Is that okay?"

Tom regarded me for a moment, then nodded, sighing. "If you really must. I suppose beating my previous House in a Quidditch match must be something you Gryffindors celebrate."

"Obviously." I grinned, looking away from him as I hurried towards the door before he changed his mind. "Thanks, Tommy -"

"Not so fast."

I froze, inches from the door. I could feel Tom coming up behind me, and his hands circled my waist, tugging me gently around. My heart was pounding. Had he seen in my eyes who I was hoping to meet? Was he going to punish Terry now?

"Are you going to leave me without a kiss?"

I sighed quietly in relief, raising my face up to him. I let him press his lips down onto mine, before pulling away from him. I saw the shadow of a frown on his face as I turned, opening the door. I slipped through it, for some reason feeling the urge to reach up and wipe the lingering feeling of his lips off of mine.

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