Chapter 21 - Sword of Gryffindor

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Just out of curiosity, how would y'all feel about a spin-off story about Tommy and Juliet back at school? 🤔 I'm planning on one of Emily and Sirius in the Marauder era, already got the intro up on my profile, but would you like a young Riddle era too? Let me know 💕

Early next morning, before the other four were awake, I left the tent to search the woods around us for the oldest, most gnarled, and resilient-looking tree I could find. There in its shadows I buried Mad-Eye Moody's eye and marked the spot by gouging a small cross in the bark. It wasn't much, but I felt that Mad-Eye would have much preferred this to being stuck on Umbitch's door. Then I returned to the tent to wait for the others to wake, and discuss what we were going to do next.

Terry felt that it was best not to stay anywhere too long, and I agreed with him; however we had thwarted Riddle by Apparating into some random woods, he would be bound to find us eventually if he kept looking through my mind, so it would be better to move around. And ever since I started wearing the locket, our connection was more frequent.

Dark thoughts started to enter my head as well. I would just be hanging out with the guys, and random creeping whispers would emit from deep within my mind, telling me to take the nearest sharp object and slit Terry's throat, or stab Lee, or use my Grace to incinerate Fred or George. I had to shake these thoughts away, because for whatever reason, they always seemed so... deliciously tempting.

And one day, the temptation took a hold on me. I was washing the dishes, wiping a small knife clean with a tea towel, when Terry brushed past me, reaching for the drying rack; within a split second, the thought had crept into my head: Stab him... just do it... you know you'll like it...

I pushed Terry up against the counter, pressing the knife into his side; I could feel something dark and thick and seductive swirling around inside me; there was a pressure in my head, making me dig it into his skin, bowing my face down towards him, feeling my lips curve into a sadistic smirk -

"Daisy!" Fred's shocked voice came from behind me. "Daisy, what the fuck, no -"

"Dude -"

"D-Daze?" Terry finally spoke in a small, terrified whisper, his eyes wide and shimmering, his bottom lip wobbling.

And I could see my reflection in his teary eyes. My own eyes... were bright red.

I took a step back, suddenly shocked and horrified at what I was doing. The knife clattered to the floor.

"Terry, I-I'm so sorry -" I stammered, starting to shake.

Terry took a deep breath, composing himself as he shifted against the counter, tugging his jumper down. "Take it off."


"Take it off." He said calmly, though he was blinking away his tears. "The locket. Take it off and give it to me."

He held out his hands, and I lifted the golden chain over my head. The moment it parted contact with my skin I felt oddly light. I hadn't even realised that I was clammy or that there was a heavy weight pressing on my stomach until both sensations lifted.

"Better, bitch?" Terry asked.

"Yeah, loads better!"

"Softpaw," He said, reaching out and taking hold of my upper arms, using the kind of voice I associated with visiting the very sick, "you don't think you've been possessed, do you?"

"What? No!" I said defensively. "I remember everything we've done while I've been wearing it. I wouldn't know what I'd done if I'd been possessed, would I? I think I would know, most out of all of us?"

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