Chapter 9 - Bleeding Hearts

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I was a bit confused and disoriented when I made my way back down to Tom's quarters. I could remember showing the first years to their dormitories, but after that it was blank.

I knocked on the door, stepping back and straightening my tie. It opened not more than a second after, revealing Tom with his black shirt unbuttoned, a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Come in, Miss Potter." He said smoothly, and stepped back. I moved past the doorway and made for the bedroom, sliding the cloak off my shoulders and kicking my shoes off, stretching and yawning. I laid the cloak on the bed, taking off my badges and fixing them to my school cardigan instead; it was still too warm to wear the school robes over the top of the uniform. There was a strange, unfamiliar twisting sensation in my stomach, kind of like burning, but I tried to ignore it.

I padded in my socks back into the drawing room, beaming at Tom. He was lounging lazily in an armchair by the fire, one arm resting casually, the other raising the glass to his lips. His eyes zoned in on me, roaming up and down my body.

Tom slowly lowered the glass from his mouth. "Come over here, Daisy."

The pink clouds stirred as I padded over to him. The heat of the fire made my cheeks flush, and Tom's eyes on my legs didn't help. He held his glass away from his body, glanced up at me, and beckoned me closer.

"Why don't you give me a lap dance, Miss Potter?" Tom purred quietly. "Give me a little show..."

I shivered in delight. Sliding my cardigan off my shoulders, I stepped up to him, swaying my hips. Lowering myself into his lap, I braced myself on the arms of the chair, swinging my hips from side to side, making my skirt ride up. Tom's eyes were fixated on me, the hand that had been casually hanging off the arm of the chair now rising to my waist, resting on it, guiding me down further into his lap as he took another long, slow sip of his wine.

I circled my hips in his lap, grinding down slightly on him; Tom's eyes closed briefly before he reached up, setting his glass on the mantelpiece. He brought his hands back down, grabbing onto my love handles, and tugged me harshly down onto him. I grinded against his bulge, which was now straining against his fitted dress trousers. Tom's eyes darkened, and he let out a low groan.

I reached up to undo my Gryffindor tie, but Tom reached up, stopping me.

"Don't. Leave the uniform on." He panted slightly, wetting his lips with his tongue. "Take off your pants."

I reached a hand up under my skirt, pulling my panties off. Tom tugged me back down onto his lap, unbuckling himself, and I sank down onto him, gasping breathily.

The pink clouds vibrated in my brain as I rode him, rocking back and forth on his hips as he lounged back, lazily resting an arm on the edge of the chair, his other hand on my hips guiding me, gazing up at me with eyes full of lust and dark desire.


My eyes fluttered shut as he hit spots inside me that made my toes curl. I rolled my hips against his, and I heard him hiss; opening my eyes again, I saw that he had raised his free hand to his face, trailing a finger along the curve of his lips absentmindedly as he watched me, looking up at me through hooded eyes.

"Mmpfh!" I made a surprised noise as the burning sensation in my stomach that I'd been ignoring suddenly increased; a rush of liquid wettened Tom's lap. I looked down, gasping; bright red blood was soaking along his skin, and I staggered off him, staring down at myself in horror.

"Bedroom. Now." Tom pointed, eyes flashing. I scurried into the room, wincing as I felt the blood trickle down my legs.

I turned to face Tom as he directed his wand at me, ripping my shirt open with his other hand; he placed the tip of his wand onto the skin of my belly and moved it slowly up and down, his red eyes focused on my stomach. Then he stepped back, his wand hand shaking in fury.

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