Chapter 27 - Guilt

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"Let - let me take it again." I said shakily. I know what you're thinking - Daisy, why would you welcome Riddle drugging you? Well, that love potion didn't work on me, and regardless of the consequences, I wanted to prove that it wasn't because I loved Riddle.

Riddle's smile widened in amusement. "Again? Why, certainly, my love. You tell me what it smells like before you drink it, too."

"It doesn't smell of anything." I said as he cut away my bindings, handing me another goblet full of the steaming liquid.

"I will stand over here," Riddle backed away to the corner, his eyes gleaming, "and you shall see if your answer is the same."

I brought the goblet up to my mouth. The fumes engulfed me; suddenly, all I could smell was Riddle even though he wasn't next to me anymore. Fresh pine needles, some deliciously scented cologne, his natural scent that I could only smell when we were both naked and his skin was pressed up against mine...

"Fuck." I said. "No, no, no... fuck!"

"What do you smell, Daisy?"

You... you... all I smell is you...

Desperately, I drained the goblet; praying that it worked on me, that it made me see pink and fall head over heels for Riddle, that it could prove to me that I wasn't in love with him...

But yet again, nothing happened. Tears welled up in my eyes as I let the goblet fall on the bed. Riddle approached the bed again, the triumph and smugness shining through on his face.

"You love me." He stated, as if it was a fact. "You love me, Daisy Potter."

I shook my head pleadingly, starting to sob. No... no... I loved Fred, and only Fred...

"Or should I start saying now, Daisy Riddle." Riddle stood before me, his smirk infuriating. "Mrs Tom Riddle. You suit it well."

"No, I don't." I growled through my tears, my hands curling into fists. "I'm not your wife; I -"

"Oh, but you are. You were willingly wedded to me in October, you were under no influence of any kind, you freely gave me your hand in marriage -"

"I - we - you - it was Stockholm Syndrome!" I said indignantly. "I never actually loved you! I just thought I was in love with my kidnapper -"

"Then how come Amortentia is not working on you currently?" Riddle said pleasantly. "Because we both know that you have not mastered it yet. So what other option is there?"

I stayed silent, glaring up at him. Riddle's smirk deepened.

"That is what I thought. Now, Daisy, after your escape attempt earlier, I unfortunately do not trust you enough to leave you untied and ungagged in these quarters."

"W-what?" I said nervously, slipping off the side of the bed and onto my feet. Riddle's eyes followed my movements.

"While you are a guest -" "Kidnapping victim, captive." "- in my quarters, you will be restrained and have your mouth covered so that you do not try to escape or cause unnecessary ruckus. These will only be removed when it is necessary, for example, to bathe. And I will be present at all times that you are unbound."

I glared at him. I could see the open bedroom door out of the corner of my eye, and shuffled my feet to position myself.

"I will be conducting most of my business from here, so you will have company most of the day." Riddle's eyes gleamed at me. "And as for night... well, you can either choose to sleep next to me..."

"Never." I snarled. Riddle's lips curled again.

"... Or you can sleep in Nagini's room."


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